
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "Active Directory"

Active Directory User Account Password Expiry Email Notification using PowerShell

While working and setting up a new project from scratch, the Helpdesk team wanted a solution to automatically send alert notification to Users about their Accounts password expiring. The notification email format looks like below once password is near defined days in the PowerShell Script. This Powe…

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Powershell Add multiple bulk DNS records from csv file

This script is very handy when creating multiple bulk  DNS records in the Microsoft DNS server. It is very plain instructions how to use. At the core of this script Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA is the PowerShell cmdlet which is doing the task of creating DNS records.

To use this script create…

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Resolved - Install RSAT Tools on Windows Installer encountered an error 0x8024001d

While working on few Active Directory automation tasks I wanted RSAT tools to be installed on one of the VDI to test and write few scripts. From I downloaded installation files.

Microsoft Powershell windowsth rsat tools windos 2h2 remote server administration tools for windows 10 download powershell module server administration.png

While installation I was keep receiving this error…

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Stellar Converter for EDB - EDB to PST Converter tool

Recently I got one small project to architect, out of the box additionally where I wanted to provide a solution on urgent basis to convert exchange server EDB to PST for employee who left the company, I work on exchange server adhoc basis whenever there is resource crunch in the team. While knowledg…

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Install and Configure Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS)

In this article I will be configuring ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services). One of the requirement for ADFS configuration is requirement of PFX SSL certificate (It includes private key), To proceed I will create SSL certificate first. I have below few articles written earlier to understand CA…

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ldp.exe LDAPS Cannot open connection Error 81

Oneliner Powershell How to Add and Remove AD users and Objects in Groups members

This is one-liner simple and small active directory powershell script to add or remove AD groups members from text file or a single user, I have already written another few articles in this regards as you can find below.

Installing, importing and using any module in powershell
Powershell one li…

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How to install Ansible on Linux for vSphere configuration

Part 2: Using Ansible for Managing VMware vsphere Infrastructure


Recently I took over a task to evaluate few DevOps configuration, automation and orchestration tools to configure VMware vSphere. There are many tools available in the market for DevOps automation. Personally I like and already…

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Push SSL certificates to client computers using Group Policy

In my earlier article I shown how to Generate new self-signed certificates for ESXi using OpenSSL. Importing this certificate in local certificates store is good for single computer or 2-3 systems, but may be tedious task if you want to maintain it on more than 10 systems, think what happens if the…

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Powershell Active Directory 2: Check, enable and disable child OU protect object from accidental deletion

This script is second part of  article Powershell Active Directory 1: Check, enable and disable child OU protect object from accidental deletion, In this script I have added enable and disable option, Usage are the same as first script. here is my complete OU hierarchy, There are two newly added …

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Powershell Active Directory 1: Check, enable and disable child OU protect object from accidental deletion

This script can be used to check the OU (Organization Unit) protect object from accidental deletion status. it provides other OU related information for reporting and inventory purpose. Inventory is generated using ActiveDirectory powershell module.

Active Directory Users and Computers, dsa.msc, Ou, Orgnization Unit, Project Object from accidental deletion, Ou object Managed By tab, Ou report, inventory, hierarchy report, Active directory module powershell.png

This report includes parent OU and all it…

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PowerShell Active Directory: Sync group membership from one user to another user and move to OU

Again I received some good feedback from community, This article is just a next update to my existing script PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory, whose purpose is adding groups on member of tab on destination users and not removing anything. Which was…

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PowerShell GUI: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory

This is a GUI part of my earlier written script PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory. I converted same script to GUI written in WPF language for simplifying task. It requires Source User and Destination users list is loaded from text file. (Text file c…

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PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory

In the past, I received multiple emails asking for a script, subject was copying group membership from one user to another user in AD. I thought of writing a reusable script code and so anyone can and use it. Copy groups membership from one user to another user tasks can be lengthy and takes lots of…

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Powshell GUI Date and Time converter tool

Recently I was working on a setting and automating a small project, this environment had very limited access to internet because of restrictions, Only required external partner websites were accessible. Users were using change management tool, they had to schedule times for change and company were s…

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Adding active directory group to computer local administrator Group using Group Policy Object - Part 2

This is the second part of my earlier article Adding user to domain administrators from another cross domain - Part 1 where I setup cross domain trust and added cross domain user to AD administrators group for management purpose. After getting access over acquired company Active Directory domain co…

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Adding user to domain administrators from another cross domain - Part 1

I was working on one of the company acquiring project where I wanted to add users from another forest root domain to domain admins, but as Domain admins being global group, group that can be used in its own domain, in member servers and in workstations of the domain, and in trusting domains. In all …

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Creating a password reset tool with PowerShell GUI


One of the my blog reader, came across one of the article written on generating random password gui using powershell by me, and he contacted me as he wanted a small help on creating one GUI utility ADUser reset password. Below are the detailed information he provided in the email what exactly …

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Configure SNMP on ESXi Server GUI :Vmware Best Practices

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a popular protocol for network management. It is used for collecting information from, and configuring, network devices, such as servers, printers, hubs, switches, and routers on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. Here in this article, I am configuring sn…

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Oneliner Microsoft Powershell Script Get members list from active directory group in excel

This is my tiny article on gathering members information from active directory groups using windows PowerShell in very easy, I have used one-liner script earlier for creating bulk ad users, This script will get all the members from group and export it to CSV, This is very handy when providing someon…

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