
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment


From my previous article I created Nano server VHD image and deployed it as virtual machine on Vmware Workstation. This article I will be focusing on configuration of network settings, Currently I have only one network adapter, from main menu after login, Hit enter for Network settings and select the Ethernet card. While configuration I found it is some what same to Esxi DCUI based configuration.


1 Powershell Microsoft Server 2016 nano server configuring Networking on console, nano recovery console, select network adapter to configure

Press F11 to setup IPV4 address settings.

2 Powershell Microsoft Server 2016 nano server configuring Networking Ethernet network adapter settings F11 ipv4 settings

Disable DHCP, and provide IP address, Hit enter to save the configuration.

3 powershell create windows 2016 nano server image, nano server image generator, nanoserverimagegenerator module, import-module nano server nanoserver.wim new-nanoserverimage, basepath, targetpath, packages

Once everything is successful, you will see Operation succeeded on IP configuration menu.

4 Powershell Microsoft Server 2016 nano server configuring Networking Ethernet network adapter settings F11 ipv4 settings, Ip configuration, operation succeeded

Next from the main screen Link, Go to the WinRM and configure it. Before proceeding go through the another article POWERSHELL PS REMOTING BETWEEN STANDALONE WORKGROUP COMPUTERS to understand the Windows Remote management (WINRM) and configuration. By configuring this step I am enabling ps remoting and opening required ports on firewall in one shot.

WinRM is the Microsoft implementation of the WS-Management (WS-Man) protocol which provides a secure way to communicate with local and remote computers using web services. If you have lost the ability to remotely manage this server over WinRM this option will allow you to reset the WinRM firewall and service configuration to their default settings and allow connections from ANY subnet.

In next few steps I will test the PowerShell remoting connectivity. 

5 Powershell Microsoft Server 2016 nano server configuring and enabling - windows Remote management (WINRM) ws-man protrocol.png

As I want to configure file server and need to do ping test, under Inbound Firewall Rules from previous main screen Link, I will enable File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In), Hit enter. (Inbound is connection coming into Nano server, and Outboud is connection leaving from Nano server.)

6 Powershell Microsoft Server 2016 nano server configuring and enabling - windows Remote management (WINRM) ws-man protrocol enable firewall icmp ping inbound firewall rules.png

Firewall rule can be enabled and disabled using F4 key button, Allow and deny status can be seen on Action.

7 Powershell Microsoft Server 2016 nano server configuring and enabling - windows Remote management (WINRM) ws-man protrocol enable firewall icmp ping allow inbound firewall rules

First thing I will verify nano server is pinging from my desktop, as I can see it is successful and can go ahead with further configuration.

8 Powershell Microsoft Server 2016 nano server configuring and enabling - windows Remote management (WINRM) ws-man protrocol enable firewall icmp ping allow inbound firewall rules, ping successful.png

After opening required inbound firewall ports and enabling remote management Nano can be configured remotely using Server Manager, I am on my one of Windows 2012 R2 server, Opened Server Manger, click Create a Server Group, on the wizard select DNS,

I will search for the Nano server IP, as it doesn't exist in DNS server, It might throw an error Searching for the given IP. and shows, No DNS entry found matching your search text, and I will add it any way.

9 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 server manager add and create Server group dns for remote management

Provide Server group a name, I have named it NanoGroup, Once server is selected from the list, click OK to save it.

10 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 server manager add and create Server group dns for remote management, Manage nano server remotely.png

On the Left hand side of Server Manager, click the NanoGroup menu, choose the nano server from list, right click and select Manage as to Provide username and password, As server is in workgroup user name will be ~\administrator.

11 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 server manager add and create Server group dns for remote management, Manage nano server remotely, Winrm default authentication error manage as.png

Once Server is connected successfully, right click on the nano server again and go to the Add roles and features.

12 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 server manager add and create Server group dns for remote management, Manage nano server remotely, Add roles and Features nano server server manager.png

In the Add roles and Features Wizard, select the nano server, press next.

13 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 add and create Server group dns for remote management, Manage nano server remotely, Add roles and Features nano server server manager server selection 2016 datacenter nano remotely.png

If you see here there are very few roles, This is because, While creating NANO image I only had injected 2 packages in it, Storage and Hyper-V as shown in earlier blog HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS NANO SERVER ON VMWARE WORKSTATION AND V2V CONVERTER.

14 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 add and create Server group dns for remote management, Manage nano server remotely, Add roles and Features nano server server manager datacenter nano remotely, select roles.png


From the powershell, remote into the nano server, using command. Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential (Get-Credential), It pops up for the username password, as shown username will be ~\administrator.

15 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 remote management, Manage nano server remotely, Add roles and Features nano server server manager datacenter nano remotely, powershell remoting psremoting non domain wsman

If connection is successful, PowerShell prompt will change to Nano server IP or FQDN, I want to create and share one folder remotely on Nano server, For this I will change the directory using command cd \, next I am creating a empty directory Temp on C: with command mkdir c:\temp. With next command I am sharing this folder with Everyone user for demo purpose.

New-SmbShare -Name 'Temp' -Path 'C:\temp' -FullAccess 'Everyone'

15 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 remote management, Manage nano server remotely, Add roles and Features nano server server manager datacenter nano remotely, powershell remoting psremoting non domain wsman

In below screenshot I am accessing Shared drive and copied some files.

17 Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016, Manage nano server remotely, nano powershell datacenter, powershell remoting psremoting non-domain wsman enter-pssession, new-smbshare file server share path

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