
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment


After installing vCenter it is time to add ESXi server, before adding ESXi Server there must be Virtual Datacenter created before hand, Add  Esxi server inside Virtual datacenter. Open vSphere web client, right click vCenter server and click New Datacenter, Provide the name and click Ok.

PART 2 : VCENTER SERVER 6.0 INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS 2012 R2vcenter server new datacenter 

Next right click newly created VMWare Datacenter, Add Host, type the Host name of esxi server (I have already one entry in DNS server for this esxi server and it is always a best practice to use FQDN), click next.

Add new esxi Host vCenter server wizard

On the connection settings provide root username and password of esxi server, vCenter server will use this credentials to install its VPXA agent on the server. Also there is a SHA1 thumbprint of ESXi certificate is shown (If esxi server has self signed certificate, default one) once the connection made, Click yes.

Add esxi host into vcenter username password and security alert sha1 thumbprint

This is Host Summary about Esxi version and hardware model, it also shows Virtual machines on Esxi, I don't have any at current.

Add esxi host into vcenter username password and security alert sha1 thumbprint

Assign license if you have any, Currently I am running it in Evaluation trial, and it will expire in 60 days, I am planning to add one in future. Click next.

Add Esxi host in vcneter assign license evalutaion version

Lockdown mode is very interesting setting while adding host to vcenter server. Once lockdown mode to set Normal, Esxi can only be managed and administratored through vCenter or DCUI (Direct console user interface - local console), You will not able to login to ESXi directory using vSphere client or SSH/shell, it will be disabled. Although this can be disabled later by editing Security Profile in host settings.

Add esxi host setting in vcenter lockdown mode settings

Next setting is which folder VMs need to put, I don't have created any folder yet and they will located in default first virtual datacenter.

vcenter Add esxi host vm location

This is last check and click finish if everything is good on Ready to complete esxi summary page., you will see one task is created under current task.

vcenter Add esxi host ready to complete summary

Within few seconds new esxi host will be visible under vcenter > datacenter, now this ESXi is read for creation of VMs virtual machines.

Adding first esxi server in vcenter server

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