
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Patching update VMware vCenter Server Appliance from a zipped update bundle Web server

I have patched/updated vCenter server multiple times using ISO file in the past and wrote blog - Patching the vCenter Server Appliance VCSA. but whenever updating/patching vCenter server, I had to maintain ISO file repository, but I wanted to have centralized system and automated way from where I can update vCenter servers in my farm from web server. In my design I chose to use a web based vCenter server update system. To start configuration I downloaded latest version of VMware vCenter Server Appliance update bundle zip file from the

Download VMware vsphere vcenter server 7.0 U2 vmware customer connect release notes product binaries vmware vcenter server appliance update bundle download now login.png

Install and Configure IIS Web Server on Windows Server
Install an SSL-TLS Certificate In Microsoft IIS web server

I have already setup Microsoft Windows IIS (Internet Information Services) web server. On the web server I created a folder vc_update_repo, Copied downloaded VMware vCenter Server Appliance update bundle zip file and extracted it.

Microsoft IIS web server Vmware vcenter Server appliance update repo vsphere vcsa vc_update_repo manifest rpm zip file automate update.png

Now inside the vc_update_repo folder there are two folders - manifest and package-pool.

Microsoft IIS web server virtual directory Patching vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance update settings web url manifest package-pool vc_update_repo automated update.png

Next open Server Manager on the IIS server, go to Tools and click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Microsoft windows server manager tools internet information services iis web server microsoft windows server vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance update upgrade vami 5480 portal automate.png

In the IIS Manager right click on the Default Web Site, click Add Virtual Directory. In the alias provide the name vc_update_repo and Physical path where zip folder is extracted.

Microsoft web internet information service iis manager add virtual directory vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance update repository update manifest vc_update_repo vsphere upgrade.png

Go to the virtual directory vc_update_repo, select Directory Browsing then in the Actions pane click Open Feature.

Internet information services (IIS) Manager default web site virtual directory open features vmware vsphere vcenter appliance directory browsing update from web url vami 5480.png

Directory browsing has been disabled by default virtual directory, Enable it.

Internet Information service (IIS) Manager Directory browing enable default web site vmware vcenter vsphere esxi update patch bundle vami 5480 update web url settings vc_update_repo.png

When I open vc_update_repo web site url, I see directory list.

Vmware vSphere vcenter appliance vcsa vc_update_repo manifest package-pool web.config iis information internet services vcenter patching automation vami.png

I checked manifest folder in the browser and tried to view content of manifest-latest.xml.sha256 and manifest-repo.xml.sign files, it was failing.

vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance vc_update_repo manifest manifest-latest.xml.sign manifest-repo.xml.sha256 IIS web server internet information services vcenter vami 5480.png

It was showing HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found.

microsoft IIS web server vc_update_repo manifest-repo.xml.sign http error 404.3 vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance vcsa update upgrade automatically web server.png

To resolve the issue, go back to Default Web Site home, double click MIME Types feature.

Internet Information services (IIS) Manager Default Web site vc_update_repo Mime Type feature vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance update using vami 5480 web url.png

Add MIME type - File name extension sign with text/html

microsoft windows server IIS web server internet information services manager default web site vc_update_repo add mime type file name extension sign add action vcenter server upgrade update vami 5480 text html.png

Add another MIME type for sha256 extension with text/html.

Microsoft iis web server Internet information services manager edit mim type .sha256 mime type text html local vmware vsphere vcenter esxi update upgrade vami 5480 web url setup.png

With above settings I have prepared Microsoft Windows IIS web server. Next open vami portal of Vmware vCenter Server Management with 5480 port.

Vmware vCenter Server management vami portal 5480 microsoft windows iis web server 5480 configure vmware vsphere vcsa vcenter update vami.png

Go to Update. If you are getting Error in method invocation [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/storage/core/software-update/updates/index’ or Check the URL and try again, this is because there is no direct internet access on the vCenter server. The errors can be ignore for now.

Vmware appliance management vcenter update current product type settings check updates Check the url and try again stage only stage and install windows iis server vcenter repository online.png

Click on the SETTINGS button, in the Repository Settings choose Use custom repository, type the vc_update_repo URL we created on the Microsoft IIS web Server. Save the settings. Now check the new latest version update will be listed. Latest version is already selected, click Stage and Install.

Note: Before updating make sure you backup vCenter server and take snapshot if it is standalone.

vcenter server management vami vmware appliance management administration backup firewall networking use custom repository vc_update_repo settings check updates settings iis windows microsoft web server.png

Update process starts, Accept the End user license agreement (EULA), go Next.

Vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance managment update stage and install update eula web url microsoft web server iis internet information services vc_update_repo repository.png

In the Additional information type the Single Sign-On (SSO) administrator password.

Vmware vsphere vcenter appliance management stage and install update vami 5480 additional informa;tion sso single sign-on administrator password iis web server configuration vcenter update repository microsoft windows.png

Make sure and it is recommeded you backup vCenter Server before installing any update or patch. Click checkbox I have backed up vCenter Server and its associated databases. Click Finish button.

Backup VMware vCenter server using SMB protocol

Microsoft Vmware vsphere vcenter stage and install update backup vcenter server go to backups vc update repo microsoft update vmware vsphere web server iis internet information services.png

It takes some time to update vCenter server, Once installation is succeeded complete to 100% close the window.

vmware vsphere vcenter server upgrade update installation succedded complete backup vcenter server associated databases single sign-on admin password sso check updates stage only stage and install custom repository.png

Refresh vCenter Server Management portal page and re-login, check Update tab and verify latest Version.

Vcenter server management vami 5480 portal available updates history fix stage only stage and install automate vc_update_repo backup snapshot.png

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