
Virtual Geek

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Migrating move back from Distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch - VMs (Virtual Machine) - Part 3

In my earlier article after moving all VMkernel network adapters from dvswitch to sswitch, In this part I will be migrating Virtual Machine's network adapter from DvSwitch PortGroups to respective Standard vSwtich PortGroup. This is a one of the crucial stage and gather PortGroup Network information under distributed virtual switch (As highlighted in the yellow). Gather PortGroup name and virtual machines count, this info will require later while migration to review and confirmation.

Go to Networking tab as shown in the left side of screenshot. Right click on Distributed virtual switch, from context menu click Migrate VMs to Another network

Earlier Parts
Part 1 - Copy or clone distributed virtual switch portgroups to standard switch portgroups - Powercli
Migrating move back from Distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch - VMKernal Adapter - Part 2
Migrating move back from Distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch - VMs (Virtual Machine) - Part 3
Part 4: Remove ESXi Host from Distributed switch and migrate to virtual switch completely

vmware vsphere web client, vCenter esxi, virtualization networking, distributed virtual switches, Migrate VMs to another network, Host and clusters view, standard switches, dvswitches

In the Migrate VMs to another Network wizard, It asks about Source Network and Destination network, First browse Source network (This is the portgroup where virtual machines are located currently), Search portgroup name from list as highlighted, As I am migrating from DvSwitch, Select the portgroup with Distributed switch name has. In the Destination network (This is the network, where you will be migrating Virtual Machines), Select the standard switch portgroup from list.

vmware vsphere web client, esxi, vcenter, migrate vms to another network, select source and destination networks, from distributed virtual switch to standard virtual switch dvswitch, svswitch

Once you select source and destination networks for the migration of virtual machine network adapters, it looks like below. Make sure you have correctly browsed and selected correct portgroups.

vmware vsphere web client, esxi, vcenter server, migrate VMs to another network, select source and destination networks, distributed vswitch portgroup, standard vswitch portgroup, No network

In the select VMs to migrate page, click check boxes on Virtual Machines, To identify virtual machine you can sort it using Host column if you have multiple VMs and host. As I have only 3 virtual machines in A-VMs, I can easily verify it with VMs on the wizard listed. Click next.

vmware vsphere web client, vcenter esxi select vms to migrate distributed virtual switch portgroup, select virtual machines to migrate from distributed virtual portgroup to standard virtual portgroup

On the Ready to complete page, Review your settings selection before finishing the wizard, here I can see Source and destination networks, and virtual machines are matching count. Verify Virtual machines to migrate count with Virtual machines count on PortGroup. Next there might have more than one network adapters assigned to a single vm, and if those network adapters are assigned to same portgroups, Network adapters to migrate count might differ. Click finish to continue.

vmware vsphere web client, esxi, vcenter, migrate vms to another network. Source dvportgroup network, destination network, network adapters to migrate

while migration it will be helpful if you keep pinging VMs IP, you might loose one or two ping drop.

vmware vsphere web client, esxi, vcenter, migrate vms to another network. Source dvportgroup network, destination network, network adapters to migrate ping virtual machine

Using above steps identify other virtual PortGroup on Distributed switch where Virtual Machines exists and migrate thoss VMs to its respective networks (Standard switch). Make sure there are no VMs exist on the distributed virtual switch to migrate, Verify the same selecting assigned port groups on DVswitch, There shouldn't be any Portgroup listed or Portgroup shouldn't be showing any VM and vmkernel, count should be 0.

vmware vsphere web client, esxi, vcenter, migrate vms to another network. Source dvportgroup network, destination network, migration completed 0 assigned port groups filter applied showing

In the next part I will write on how to remove esxi host from distributed switch, and remove Esxi from vCenter server.

Useful Articles
Copy or clone distributed virtual switch portgroups to standard switch portgroups - Powercli

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