This is a second alternative script to VMware PowerCLI Clone and Deploy VM from template in vCenter. In earlier article I did customization of newly cloned Virtual Machine using Windows PowerShell commands which I executed using Invoke-VMscript. Here in this script I used inbuilt customization profiles.
(Note: If in your case customization profile is not working, check once cloning vm manually on the vCenter web client, There are highly possible chances that your customization profile may not be working through web client as well. First you need to get your Virtual Machine template configuration corrected and prepared it correctly. I used Windows 2022 OS, Removed stale drivers and hardware, Removed and readded network adapter, used vmxnet3 network adapter, Tested through web client all worked good, I feel there is a disconnect between VMware and Microsoft so Customization not works properly)
You can download this script Clone-vCenterVM.ps1 here or it also available on
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#Created By: #Owner: vJanvi #Clone a Virtual Machine from Template with Customization in VMware vCenter Using PowerCLI #vCenter Info $vCenterServer = '' $vCenterUser = 'Administrator@vsphere.local' $vCenterPassword = 'Computer@123' #Windows OS customization Spec $newVMInfo = @( @{ Template = 'Quantumania_Win_22' #'Wakanda_Forever_Win_01' OSCustomizationSpec = 'Windows_Customization' NewVMName = 'Test003' NewVMFolder = 'TempVMs' NewVMCluster = 'BiFrost' NewVMNetwork = 'VM Network' NewVMDataStore = 'StarLord_Datastore01' NewVMIPv4 = '' NewVMSubnet = '' NewVMGateway = '' NewVMDNS = @('', '') }, @{ Template = 'Wakanda_Forever_Win_01' OSCustomizationSpec = 'Windows_Customization' NewVMName = 'Test002' NewVMFolder = 'TempVMs' NewVMCluster = 'BiFrost' NewVMNetwork = 'VM Network' NewVMDataStore = 'StarLord_Datastore01' NewVMIPv4 = '' NewVMSubnet = '' NewVMGateway = '' NewVMDNS = @('', '') } ) Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -User $vCenterUser -Password $vCenterPassword foreach ($rawNewVM in $newVMInfo) { # try { # Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name tempCustom -ErrorAction Stop | Remove-OSCustomizationSpec -Confirm:$false # } # catch { # <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#> # } $newVM = [PSCustomObject]$rawNewVM $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $newVM.NewVMCluster $template = Get-Template -Name $newVM.Template $folder = Get-Folder -Name $newVMInfo.NewVMFolder #$portGroup = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name $newVM.NewVMNetwork $datastore = Get-Datastore -Name $newVM.NewVMDataStore Write-Host "Configuring Customization spec - $($newVM.NewVMName)" -BackgroundColor DarkYellow $specs = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name $newVM.OSCustomizationSpec | New-OSCustomizationSpec -Name $rawNewVM.NewVMName -Type NonPersistent $tempSpecs = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name $specs.Name | Get-OSCustomizationNicMapping | Set-OSCustomizationNicMapping -IpMode UseStaticIp -IpAddress $newVM.NewVMIPv4 -SubnetMask $newVM.NewVMSubnet -DefaultGateway $newVM.NewVMGateway -Dns $newVM.NewVMDNS #New-OSCustomizationSpec -Name 'TempWin2019' -FullName 'TestName' -OrgName 'TestOrg' -OSType Windows -ChangeSid -AdminPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt typepassword) -Domain '' -TimeZone 035 -DomainCredentials (Get-Credential) -ProductKey '1111-1111-1111-1111' -AutoLogonCount 1 #$tempCustom = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name $specs.Name $parameters = @{ Name = $newVM.NewVMName Template = $template Location = $folder ResourcePool = $cluster Datastore = $datastore DiskStorageFormat = 'Thin' } Write-Host "Configuring Customization spec - $($newVM.NewVMName)" -BackgroundColor DarkYellow New-VM @parameters | Select-Object Name, VMHost, PowerState Get-VM -Name $newVM.NewVMName | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $newVM.NewVMNetwork -Confirm:$false | Select-Object Parent, Type, NetworkName Get-VM -Name $newVM.NewVMName | Set-VM -OSCustomizationSpec $specs.Name -Confirm:$false | Select-Object Name, PowerState, VMHost Get-VM -Name $newVM.NewVMName | Start-VM | Select-Object Name, PowerState, VMHost } Disconnect-VIServer * -Confirm:$false -Force |
This is the screenshot while and after cloning virtual machines with customization spec. To use the script add your vCenter server credentials and new VMs information.
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