
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "devops"

Hashicorp Terraform dynamic block for_each loop with example

I use Terraform IAC (Infrastructure as a code) a lot to design Azure resources, While deploying Azure Resource NSG (Network Security Group), I was defining multiple roles inside NSG, Roles were mentioned inside the code script file. I wanted roles values to be moved to variables inside v…

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Install Ansible AWX on Microsoft Windows OS

I was working on upgrading my Ansible AWX server in my lab, while upgrading/installing fresh Ansible AWX Tower server I found the step by step instructions I tried long back Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux are absolutes now and no longer working as Ansible AWX team made few changes to it.…

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Terraform Using one module variable in another module

While working on Azure Terraform IAC infrastructure as a code script Writing and Using Terraform modules, I wanted to pass or use variable from a module to another module, so I will have to define module data once and I can keep reusing it in another modules. Here is the screenshot of my folder hier…

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Configure a Azure VM with Desired State Configuration in Automation Account

While working on one of the Azure Automation Accounts project I had to test and provide a demo of Desired State Configuration (DSC) on the Azure Virtual Machine, how it can be useful. There was a client requirment to not to use Group Policy for hardening, but the configuration must be done through D…

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Writing and Using Terraform modules

This is a small example of Terraform module how to write and use it. A Terraform module is a folder/container for multiple resources that are used together. Every Terraform configuration has at least one module, known as its root module, which consists of the resources defined in the terraform .tf f…

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Solved Powershell DSC Error A configuration is pending If you are in Pull Mode please runn Update-DscConfiguration

While working on few Powershell DSC (Desired State Configuration) script and pushing it on remote computer using Start-DscConfiguration command, but I was constantly receiving below error.

A configuration is pending. If you are in Pull mode, please run Update-DscConfiguration to pull a new co…

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Logging and Working on BitBucket using Git SSH url

This is step by step guide to configuration bitbucket with SCM GIT.exe. I wanted to clone remote BitBucket code repository from server to the local system for script code update/changes and push the changes. The first task is to grab bitbucket repository url, loggin to bitbucket and  click on the …

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Ansible Error couldn't resolve module vmware.vmware_rest

After resolving error VMware ansible Error couldn't resolve module community.vmware, I faced another error while upgrading hardware version on the VMware Virtual Machines, while using ansible vmware.guest in the task. Which derived from main module/plugin vmware.vm_rest. Below is the test tem…

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VMware ansible Error couldn't resolve module community.vmware

Recently while working with one of the old ansible server where I wanted to automation to get the list of VMware vCenter virtual machines list, and the ansible playbook was failing due to few prerequisite, In below script I was using community.vmware.vmware_vm_info ansible module/plugin to get th…

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Reset Ansible AWX Tower admin password

While working on one of the project I came accross a Ansible AWX server where 'admin' password as missing, and I wanted to reset forgotten awx password, the steps given here will also work on RedHat Ansible Tower. In my case AWX is containerised and installed on docker, and I will run highlighted co…

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Ansible AWX Tower create Manual SCM (Source Control Credential Type) project

I had a instance where I wanted to test Manual SCM (Source Control Credential Type) project on new Project on Ansible AWX tower instead of git repository. While creating a new project when choosing Manual from the Source Control Credential Type (SCM), I was receiving below error.

Getting started …

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docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

Ansible AWX installation error docker-compose run --rm --service-ports task awx-manage migrate --no-input

This was another error I saw while deploying Ansible AWX on ubuntu linux. 

Ansible AWX installation error Cannot have both the docker-py and docker python modules
Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux

TASK [local_docker :  Run migrations in task container]
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! …

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Ansible AWX installation error Cannot have both the docker-py and docker python modules

While installing Ansible AWX on Ubuntu I was receiving below error, while installing Ansible AWX it was giving below error.

TASK [local_docker : Remove AWX containers before migrating postgres so that the old postgres container does not get used] ***********************************
fatal: [lo…

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Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux

Ansible is a software tool that offers simple but powerful automation for cross-platform operating systems and computer support. It is mainly planned for IT professionals, who use it for application deployment, updates on workstations and servers, cloud provisioning, configuration management, intra-…

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Install kubectl.exe on windows using PowerShell

I was testing kubernetes in my environment and wanted to deploy kubectl.exe tool on couple of my colleagues system, which I can install or update easily remotly. For this I have written small script which will download latest version of kubectl.exe and set a Environment variable for the same. You ca…

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Step by Step guide to push your first project to

ansible create an array with set_fact

In one of my vSphere Ansible automation task, I was looking for to create a new array variable using set_fact. here I have achieved the same task using 2 different playbook with small way procedure. In the both methods on the vars I have defined infra variable where I have defined my VMware esxi s…

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Resolved: Git warning LF will be replaced by CRLF in file

While using git add command I was receiving below error.

warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in ansible.cfg.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory

In Unix systems the end of a line is represented with a line feed (LF). In windows a line is represented with a …

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Ansible selectattr The error was TemplateRuntimeError no test named 'equalto'

I was working on small Ansible playbook project and wrote a msg to filter nested yaml dictionary as below, in the script is was using selectattr() function to list only selected filtered attribute property information.

Getting started Ansible AWX tower for IT automation run first playbook

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