
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts January 2018

Oneliner Microsoft Powershell Script Get members list from active directory group in excel

This is my tiny article on gathering members information from active directory groups using windows PowerShell in very easy, I have used one-liner script earlier for creating bulk ad users, This script will get all the members from group and export it to CSV, This is very handy when providing someon…

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Vembu BDR Suite v3.9.0 is now Generally Available and includes Tape Support & Flexible Restores

It is greatly significant that data requirements to be backed up and there should be an operative Disaster Recovery strategy in situation of data threat or a catastrophe. Although data stays to raise and there are number of technology providers who proposal better and complete storage methods to bus…

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Create and configure VMWare vSphere VSAN cluster step by step

VMware vSAN is a Hyper-Converged storage (Software Defined Storage) solutions with a vSphere-native, high-performance architecture. With software defined storage, it has opened new opportunities to new skills. With vSAN we can use local disk and create highly available, scalable, high performance da…

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Emulate HDD as SSD flash disk on Esxi and VMware workstation

I was required (emulated) virtual fake SSD in VMware workstation for few demos and testing purpose. I am already using SSD on my system, If vmdks are kept on the Solid state drives, VMs detects vmdk disks as SSD/Flash disk, but if you don't have SSD, it can be easily emulated with a trick configurat…

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Configuring a vCenter PSC Single sign-on Active directory Integrated windows authentication

In my one of the earlier article I shown ADDING AND CONFIGURING VMWARE VSPHERE VCENTER SSO ACTIVE DIRECTORY AS LDAP SERVER, That was one of the security best practices, Here I am going to perform the same task but will use Active directory integrated windows authentication way instead. For this fe…

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Copy Files with PowerShell Remoting WINRM Protocol

Microsoft Powershell psremoting is just not limited to remoting into computers, it can also use to copy files over winrm protocol to remote system the same way, you use files are copied on traditional SMB protocol. This requires some psremoting configuration using POWERSHELL PS REMOTING BETWEEN CO…

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Generate random password GUI using powershell

I had one of the requirement to write Strong Random Password Generator :Microsoft Powershell earlier but it was completely command line based, and the applications users who were using it, due to non-technical background were not able to execute it correctly, So the team who requested the script wa…

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Reset ESXi root password using Host Profiles on vCenter server: VMWare vSphere Web client

Recently I got assigned one of the VMware project, while taking handover I found esxi root passwords are not documented properly for the VMware infrastructure project, Luckily 40% Esxi host were joined into domain and I was able to reset password using Reset forgotten ESXi root password on Domain…

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Powershell Active Directory: Show treeview of nested Group members downstream hierarchy

This script is second part of my earlier article Powershell Active Directory: Show treeview of User or Group memberof hierarchy, earlier was showing upstream tree view of nested MemberOf groups. After writing the first script I got another requirement to show treeview in reverse order, Group member…

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Strong Random Password Generator :Microsoft Powershell

This is my first article in the starting of year 2018, I have taken and re-written it from my earlier post. This script is written completely from scratch. This generates very strong random password. It randomize a chooses each password character using .net class object System.Security.Cryptograph…

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