
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts December 2019

Invoke-WebRequest : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send

I was setting up a local on premises PSRepository server for collaboration purpose between my team also future planning is to limit users downloading modules from only from in-house PowerShell repositories. Local repository was setup but while publishing module on the repository I was getting below …

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Get-PSRepository WARNING Unable to find module repositories

I was at one of my client's location and setting up PowerShell enviroment. I was trying to download few PowerShell modules from online PSGallery with below commands, while received the errors. After trying find and install PowerShell module with required parameters, in both the error outputs it was …

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Managing ESXi SSL certificate properties from vCenter server

One of the way to manage esxi certificate properties is using vCenter server, This is good option where you don't have generate a certificate for every indivisual Esxi. You just need to configure valid SSL certificate once on the vCenter VMCA. Improving Esxi security by using vCenter server can ensu…

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Part 3 Git clone version control integration in Visual Studio Code

Part 2 Git master branch source control integration in Visual Studio Code

Part 1 Git version control integration in Visual Studio Code

VS code remote ssh could not establish to host, connecting was canceled

This article is based on one of the issues I was facing while configuring VSCode Remote - SSH. 

Earlier Parts
How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows
configure remote ssh extension on visual studio code

Here I configured second linux host in ssh config file. This one is not passwor…

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configure remote ssh extension on visual studio code

In my earlier article I wrote How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows to ease my tasks, to connection between Windows to Linux and this is a second part of the article. I use visual studio code to write my all devops codes, most of the time whenever I want to test the script on linux, free t…

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How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows

Since I upgraded my laptop to Windows 10, I started using inbuilt tool SSH.exe to connect openssh servers (linux) instead of external tools like putty.exe. Here whenever I want to connect to linux through ssh, it prompts for password each time for new login. To make linux passwordless connection ov…

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Oneliner Powershell How to Add and Remove AD users and Objects in Groups members

This is one-liner simple and small active directory powershell script to add or remove AD groups members from text file or a single user, I have already written another few articles in this regards as you can find below.

Installing, importing and using any module in powershell
Powershell one li…

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Docker Error response from daemon i\o timeout internet proxy

In this article after installing docker (How to install Docker on Linux) and configuring its service (Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:var run docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running) next step is to download docker containers from docker hub (internet) for testing purpose.

My dock…

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