
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts April 2019

Powershell WinRM HTTPs CA signed certificate configuration

This guide is not specific to configuration but it also shows how I troubleshooted CA signed certificate issue while configuring WinRM listener. This is a third part of PowerShell remoting over HTTPS using self-signed SSL certificate, For security best practices instead of going with Self signed ce…

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Configure Powershell WinRM to use OpenSSL generated Self-Signed certificate

PowerShell remoting over HTTPS using self-signed SSL certificate

This is a step by step guide and will show you how to use HTTPS port  and self signed SSL certificate while using Powershell Remoting. On the PSRemoting regards I had already written one article in the past POWERSHELL PS REMOTING BETWEEN STANDALONE WORKGROUP COMPUTERS, When you use WinRM PSRemot…

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How to replace default vCenter VMCA certificate with Microsoft CA signed certificate

VMCA (VMware Certificate Authority) is a one of the components in PSC (Platform services controller) inbuilt into vCenter server 6.x. VMCA is Certificate Authority and works as same as Microsoft CA certificate. It can issue certificates to VMware components i.e. vCenter, ESXi servers. In my previous…

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How to import default vCenter server appliance VMCA root certificate and refresh CA certificate on ESXi

This is step by step guide on basic vmware certificate chain installation in the infrastructure, all the steps performed on development infra, Back from my previous project, I installed new VMware vCenter appliance 6.7 recently and few of my esxi server were already installed with self signed certif…

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Troubleshooting replacing a corrupted certificate on Esxi server

While deploying your own certificate on ESXi server you need to follow certain requirement to create it as shown here, if new generated certificate is not correct as per the standard and if they are replaced overwritten without proper backup, it can cause connection error on ESXi server and you wil…

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How to deploy vCenter server appliance on VMware Workstation

I keep experimenting in my vSphere lab environment, and this time wanted to Install fresh vCenter server appliance from scratch on VMware Workstation, with new version of VMware Workstation deploying OVF (open virtulization format) is very easy, although I already had written article previously D…

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vCenter server appliance 6.5 deployment Error The supplied system is not valid

I was setting up a new VMware vCenter server appliance for a new project. While in the middle of setup of vCenter post deployment configuration I was keep receiving below error as log.

Error: The supplied system name FQDN is not valid.
Resolution: If the supplied system name is a FQD…

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Replacing a default ESXi certificate with a CA-Signed certificate

Push SSL certificates to client computers using Group Policy

In my earlier article I shown how to Generate new self-signed certificates for ESXi using OpenSSL. Importing this certificate in local certificates store is good for single computer or 2-3 systems, but may be tedious task if you want to maintain it on more than 10 systems, think what happens if the…

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Generate new self-signed certificates for ESXi using OpenSSL

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