
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts January 2020

Using Ansible for Managing VMware vSphere Infrastructure

On this second part article of after How to install Ansible on Linux for vSphere configuration, I have written here 2 Ansible playbook files (play tasks created) to configure VMWare ESXi servers. Language for the ansible playbook files is YAML/YML format. When using Ansible to use on VMware vSph…

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How to sign PowerShell ps1 scripts

By reading the article subject first question rose to the mind why you should sign PowerShell scripts? The answer is whenever we download powershell script or we receive it from another users, The digital signature allows the user to confirm the validity of the certificate used to sign the script.…

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Creating an internal PowerShell module repository

I was at client location and online Microsoft PSGallery was blocked as per company security policy, They wanted to only allow to use local respository which will only have tested and verified PowerShell modules. For this we suggested to configure a solution local PowerShell repository. In the Micros…

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