
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts June 2020

Stellar Converter for EDB - EDB to PST Converter tool

Recently I got one small project to architect, out of the box additionally where I wanted to provide a solution on urgent basis to convert exchange server EDB to PST for employee who left the company, I work on exchange server adhoc basis whenever there is resource crunch in the team. While knowledg…

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PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL TLS secure channel.

I face below error frequently whenever try to automate a website running self signed or invalid certificate, Here is my lab vCenter server for demo which is using self signed SSL certificate. This causes my script to fail whenever using Invoke-WebRequest to automate website. You can trust the cer…

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PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest The request was aborted Could not create SSL TLS secure channel

I was testing automating few banking websites to check uptime, Invoke-WebRequest is use to access webiste, using this command I wrote a script to access bank website with PowerShell commands, but while executing scripts it was failing to access web site and showing below error.


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Add and manage TLS SSL certificates on Azure Web App

Uploading to Azure Web Apps Using FTP

Web apps works as very good hosting plan, you can host your website apps on line with Azure very easily. This is 3rd article in the series how to upload files to web app. Once Azure Web Apps is configured, next step is to upload custom web application built with php + html codes on it. Go to the Res…

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Azure azcopy login error Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services' and cannot access the application '579a7132-0e58-4d80-b1e1-7a1e2d337859'

While working with new version 10 of azcopy.exe I was facing error while login. After logging in the browser it was not accepting my username and password to login to Azure.What it says is I am not able to login to '579a7132-0e58-4d80-b1e1-7a1e2d337859', and my user account doesn't exist for login.…

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AzCopy copy transfer fails with 403 This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission

Azcopy is a great command-line tool for automating Azure storage, it is a simple yet powerful command line interface that allows you to copy files to and from Azure storage and between Azure storage accounts. I was doing POC of the latest version of azcopy.exe, (There 2 different flavors available f…

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Configure a custom domain in Azure Web Apps

Create and deploy a website with Microsoft Azure web app service plan

I was testing Microsoft Azure web app resource service for one of a incoming project, it allows you to publish and manage your website easily without having to work with the the underlying servers, storage, or network assets, basically it is a PAAS (Platform as a service), it is helps you to focus o…

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Registering HPE ILO amplifier pack (Hardware support manager) with vCenter 7 Lifecycle manager

I was testing new VMware vCenter server 7 Lifecycle manager feature setting up Image, vSphere Lifecycle Manager presents a new technique of maintaining all ESXi hosts in a cluster by defining an image for the cluster. Images characterize the desired state requirement that comprises software, drivers…

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