
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts November 2022

Using Ansible to Manage Windows Servers initial setup – Step by Step

In this article I will be configuring and connecting Ansible server and Windows host for Microsoft Windows system configuration management. First prepare Ansible host by installing collection with ansible-galaxy command. Next install pywinrm and python3-winrm Python packages with …

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PowerCLI enable or disable WBEM service on VMware ESXi server

The VMware Host Hardware (WBEM) sensor monitors information about the hardware of an ESXi server using Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM). This script will disable and enable WBEM service using PowerCLI.

Download this Set-WbemServiceEsxi.ps1 here or it is also available on…

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Executing PowerShell script from PHP HTML web server

Recently I was reading some Advanced Python coding books, I was especially fascinated by the Flask module. This project is an outcome of the same, If similar can be achieved with PowerShell and HTML, I wrote some code in HTML, PHP and PowerShell and it is working well after testing. Here in this pro…

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Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure Az CLI

There is another way to Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure PowerShell. You can do the same task to fetch Azure VM information using is az cli. There are two common images UbuntuServer and MicrosoftWindowsServer. Here I will work with Ubuntu images to get information from az cli co…

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Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure PowerShell

You can use this write up to find Azure Virtual Machine images available on the Azure Marketplace using PowerShell Module Az (Azure) commands. Before proceeding you need to know a few jargon vocabulary related to Azure cloud VM Images. You can use below properties to find VM templates on Azure cloud…

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Vmware PowerCLI Import-Module message VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)

When you run the command to Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI on Powershell, You might have received the below warning message regarding VMware CEIP (Customer Experience Improvement Program). 

VMware's Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) collects technical information from participating …

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Ansible Deploy a VMware vSphere Virtual Machine from a Template

One of my teammates from another project had a requirement of deploying a clone VMware Virtual Machine from a template using Ansible. In the last hour additional requirements they wanted to process clones of multiple VMs with different types of operating system such as Linux and Microsoft Windows.…

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Active Directory User Account Password Expiry Email Notification using PowerShell

While working and setting up a new project from scratch, the Helpdesk team wanted a solution to automatically send alert notification to Users about their Accounts password expiring. The notification email format looks like below once password is near defined days in the PowerShell Script. This Powe…

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Using MetalLB as LoadBalancer service to Kubernetes bare metal

The intent of this Load balancer is to spread the workload among different servers or applications. It can be set up on both physical and virtual infrastructures. The load balancer traces the accessibility and availability of pods with the Kubernetes Endpoints API. When it gets an app request for a …

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Create and capture Microsoft Windows server Sysprep template image

I had a project where I wanted to deliver few Microsoft Windows images to the customer. After several meeting they wanted this templates to sysprep 'ed. 

What is Sysprep?

Sysprep is a tool/utility provided by Microsoft (System Preparation) that makes a Windows client or Windows Server prepa…

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VMware vSphere vCenter replace machine SSL certificate with custom CA signed certificates

There is a best security practice to implement authorized SSL Certificates on VMware infrastructure. Here I am installing certificates on the vSphere vCenter server. By default VMCA (VMware Certificate Authority) signed certificate is installed on the vCenter server. Which you can see under vSphere …

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VMware vCenter Esxi Add a Trusted Root Certificate to the Certificate Store

In this article I will add the Trusted Root certificate in vCenter Certificate store. Basically this will help to use your Certificate Authority root chain certificate (CA server) or third party certificates in your VMware vSphere infrastructure, If you are intending to use a trusted root certificat…

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Terraform VMware vSphere Virtual Machine customization clone failed on Windows

While doing project on Terraform with VMware vSphere: Terraform module clone VMware vSphere Linux and Windows virtual machine, I was receiving below error while deployment. VM was getting deployed but VM customization was running into error and failing.

│ Virtual machine customiza…

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Terraform module clone VMware vSphere Linux and Windows virtual machine

After writing initial Terraform code to clone VMware Virtual Machine template Using terraform to clone a virtual machine on VMware vSphere infrastructure, There was a requirement to clone Linux and Windows Virtual Machines using the single TF file and it must create multiple VMs from map hash table …

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Terraform VMware vSphere Virtual Machine cloning Operating system not found

After cloning VMWare Virtual Machine using Terraform code, I waited for a long time but terraform apply command was not getting completed and was in the creation state of indefinitely. The VM was cloned on the vCenter server and it was powered on. But when I checked on the VM VMware web remote conso…

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