
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts September 2022

How to install kubernetes worker node on ubuntu Part 2

This is a second part of How to install kubernetes master control-plane on ubuntu. In the Part 1 I made my master node ready. If you are following the article, after executing kubeadm init command you will receive kubeadm join command which you need to use on K8S prepared worker node. Below is the…

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Powershell Add multiple bulk DNS records from csv file

This script is very handy when creating multiple bulk  DNS records in the Microsoft DNS server. It is very plain instructions how to use. At the core of this script Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA is the PowerShell cmdlet which is doing the task of creating DNS records.

To use this script create…

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Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential inside yaml file

Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 1
Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 2

This is continuation of  the authentication to azure with ansible parts. While working on Ansible AWX tower controller, I wanted to create profile, bu…

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How to install kubernetes master control-plane on ubuntu Part 1

If you’re using containers, there’s a great possibility you’ve heard of Kubernetes, or K8s (in short). In straightforward language, Kubernetes is an open-source system for orchestrating, automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes is a tool intended to ge…

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Create List or Remove VMware VM Snapshots with PowerCLi

This is very handy and useful PowerCLI script, when I do my labs or production deployment changes on VMware environment. Whenever I have multiple servers to make changes and wants to ensure no problem should occur after changes, I take temporary VMware snapshots. But working with snapshot manually i…

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Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 2

This part is continuation of Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 1. Earlier I used automatic variables to use profile while executing ansible yaml script. But it is sometimes very inefficient, So inside the Ansible azure yaml code you can use profile parameter as…

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Ansible authenticate to Microsoft Azure using credential profiles Part 1

My earlier article Quickstart How to authenticate Ansible with Microsoft Azure was for basic and foundation for authentication to azure using Ansible. But I have scenarios with multiple subscriptions to automate multiple azure clouds using Ansible, in that case I will make use of multiple credentia…

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Quickstart How to authenticate Ansible with Microsoft Azure

This article is first part of Deploy create Virtual Network vNET in Azure cloud using Ansible Here I am going to show multiple ways to authenticate Ansible with Microsoft Azure cloud. Very first method is very simple using azure az cli. Make sure you have installed azure cli application on linux wh…

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Create a Azure Virtual Network with Subnet using PowerShell

Azure VNet (Virtual Network) is the essential element for your private network in the Azure Cloud. Virtual Network allows various kinds of Azure resources, such as Azure Virtual Machines (VM), to securely connect with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks. In this article I will be crea…

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Deploy create Virtual Network vNET in Azure cloud using Ansible

This is ansible code example for deploying creating vNET (Virtual Network) on Microsoft Azure cloud. This is working basic ansible yaml/yaml script.

Below example shows how it is deployed using ansible-playbook command from the linux using ansible-playbook command.

Download this script here …

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Azure PowerShell Get-AzStorageShare Could not get the storage context

While working with Azure Storage Account Shares report, while running below Azure az PowerShell command to get shares list, it was throwing error.

Get-AzStorageShare -Name testbackup
Get-AzStorageShare: could not get the storage context. Please pass in a storage context or set the current stor…

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PowerCLi Connect-VIServer could not connect using the requested protocol

There is a common issue you might have faced while connecting to either vCenter server or Esxi Server using Vmware PowerCLI.

Connect-VIserver $esxiServer -User $user -Password $password
Connect-VIServer could not connect using the requested protocol. 
Additional Information: The remote server…

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PowerCLI The SSL connection could not be established see inner exception

Recently while working with Vmware PowerCLI on one of my new laptop, when connecting to esxi server and vCenter server with Connect-VIserver command, I was receiving below error.

Connect-VIServer $esxiserver -User $user -Password $password
Connect-VIServer The SSL connection could not be estab…

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Conditionally create resources in Terraform

I had scenario with Terraform to deploy resources based on the value given in variables. This is also an example of count and if condition. When you use count inside the resource block and if value is mentioned 0 that resource will not be deployed. Now I am giving the count number programmatically …

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