
Virtual Geek

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Recently while troubleshooting VMWare vCenter 6.5 on Microsoft windows, I found some necessary services either missing or does not exist. Crucial services like VMware vcenter (VPXD), Vmware Single sign on and other services simply missing. Earlier I thought this could be because it might have upgraded from previous version. but even on fresh installation I found same scenario. For already working VMware guy this will find odd as he generally will go to services for maintenance in case vCenter server not working, Here as it can be one of the major change in vCenter 6.5.

1 VMware vSphere vCenter 6.5 services missing in Services.msc, afd, amqp, certificate, directory, caf management, dns, lifecycle manager, vpxd, single sign on, sts, security token service

So there is a question where did those services gone and where are they. To find the answer, There is official KB from VMware which has detailed information. (How to stop, start, or restart vCenter Server 6.x services (2109881)). So in this article it is mentioned "Starting with vSphere 6.5, the vCenter Server services are not standalone services under Windows Service Control Manager (SCM). The vCenter Server Appliance services run as child processes of the VMware Service Lifecycle Manager service." Below are the Services display name and actual service name.

 VMware Image Builder Manager
 VMware Component Manager
 VMware vCenter Server
 VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service
 VMware Appliance Management Service
 VMware Appliance Monitoring Service
 VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy
 VMware vAPI Endpoint
 Likewise Service Manager
 VMware Authentication Framework
 VMware vService Manager
 VMware Service Lifecycle Manager API
 VMware Performance Charts
 VMware Update Manager
 VMware Service Lifecycle Manager
 VMware VSAN Health Service
 VMware vSphere Web Client
 VMware Postgres
 VMware ESX Agent Manager
 VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy
 VMware Message Bus Configuration Service
 VMware vCenter High Availability
 VMware vSphere Client
 VMware Content Library Service
 VMware Service Control Agent
 VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector
 VMware vCenter-Services
 VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Waiter

All the required commands are installed under InstallationDrive:\Program Files\VMware\vCemter Server\bin. In my case my installation is at, and it will show the list of services. 

c:\Program Files\VMware\vCemter Server\bin\service-control --list

2 VMware vsphere vCenter services missing services bin, image builder, vpxd stop start restart, syslog, vsan web client, service-control --list

To check the status of all services command service-control --status. and if instead need to view individual service service-control --status servicename. 

3 VMware vsphere vCenter services missing services bin, image builder, vpxd stop start restart, syslog, vsan web client, service-control --status services

If you want to restart particular service first it need to stop and start again using
service-control --stop servicename
service-control --start servicename 

If incase all services need to be restarted (stop and start) use.
service-control --stop -all
service-control --start -all

4 VMware vsphere vCenter services missing services bin, image builder, vpxd stop start restart, syslog, vsan web client, service-control --start --stop --status --all  services

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