This is one-liner simple and small active directory powershell script to add or remove AD groups members from text file or a single user, I have already written another few articles in this regards as you can find below.
Installing, importing and using any module in powershell
Powershell one liner: Create multiple user accounts
Oneliner Microsoft Powershell Script Get members from a list of group from Active Directory in excel
To start with, I have created one text file named users.txt file, it has AD users list which I will add in bulk on AD group members using below script.
Get-ADGroup <AD Group Name> | Add-ADGroupMember -Members (cat <filepath>)
Below is a common command to verify each time when user objects is/are added or removed in the group members.
Get-ADGroupMember <AD Group Name> | Select-Object Name
If a single user need to added simply use below command, replace filename with single username.
Get-ADGroup <AD Group Name> | Add-ADGroupMember -Members <AD User Name>
Above all the commands where related to adding users to the group, Next commands are all related to removing users, from text files as well as single user.
Get-ADGroup <AD Group Name> | Remove-ADGroupMember -Members (cat <FilePath>) -Confirm:$false
Get-ADGroup <AD Group Name> | Remove-ADGroupMember -Members <AD User Name> -Confirm:$false
Useful Articles
Active Directory Powershell: Create bulk users from CSV file
Active Directory Powershell: Aduser A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values
Powershell Active Directory: ADGroup Managedby - Checkbox Manager can update membership list
Microsoft Active directory additional features - AD Recycle Bin Powershell