In my earlier article I wrote How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows to ease my tasks, to connection between Windows to Linux and this is a second part of the article. I use visual studio code to write my all devops codes, most of the time whenever I want to test the script on linux, free tools putty and scp are very handy. But for same server frequent connections I use VSCode extension Remote - SSH from Microsoft marketplace. It can be used it as complete open source SSH/SCP tool. It works as a remote gui tool for ssh.
To start with VSCode go to extensions, Search for ssh on the marketplace, Remote - SSH extension from Microsoft is the popular one and will list first with most downloaded extension. Install it and reload VSCode, You will find related extension Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files is also installed with it.
New Icon will appear on left navigation pane, click it. As no SSH hosts have been configured yet, press Plus + button to add linux SSH targets,
Enter SSH connection command information as below on the popped up textbox and press Enter. Change user@IP_FQDN as per your requirement.
ssh [email protected] -A
Next select SSH configuration file to update, choose <UserProfileFolder>\.ssh\config and press Enter, Once the Host is added, In the bottom one gui box will popup to connect, If you open config file you will see new configuration is added.
VS code remote ssh could not establish to host, connecting was canceled
User specific file is located at location <UserProfileFolder>\.ssh\config and can be opened with notepad.
Global ssh configuration file located at location C:\ProgramData\ssh\ssh_config file, these can be opened in notepad and has easy yml/yaml format.
Host <DisplayName> HostName <IP address or FQDN> User <UserName> ForwardAgent yes
To connect to the SSH target choose it and click on connect icon. If you haven't followed How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows, while connecting it will prompt for ssh user password.
Next it will open another visual studio code in separate window, on the bottom you will see message setting up ssh host IP/FQDN:(details) Initializing VS Code Server. By clicking details you can see the logs in OUTPUT, once the connection is successful it will ask to open a folder on remote linux server. Also in the bottom connection is made over SSH to linux.
Now you can easily execute bash command in terminal, drag and drop file and folder on the explorer, plus files/folders can be created, added, edited, deleted and executed with alone VSCode.
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