This article I will show the example of Terraform looping map of object variable type and using if condition to filter the map key value. In this demo I provided a map of object inside users variable. Following inside the locals variable, I am using logic for loop over map of objects and if condition to filter value of is_admin to get the desired output as shown in the below code.
Next I am using output block to show the filtered objects.
variable "users" { type = map(object({ is_admin = bool testattr = string })) default = { "name" = { is_admin = true testattr = "kiman" } } } locals { admin_users = { for name, user in var.users : name => user if user.is_admin } regular_users = { for name, user in var.users : name => user if !user.is_admin } } output "admin_users" { value = local.admin_users } output "regular_users" { value = local.regular_users }
Download this code Terraform map loop and if condition here or it is also available on
In the below terminal output as it can be seen it is filtering the is_admin value if true.
terraform apply --auto-approve Changes to Outputs: + admin_users = { + name = { + is_admin = true + testattr = "kiman" } } + regular_users = {} You can apply this plan to save these new output values to the Terraform state, without changing any real infrastructure. Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. Outputs: admin_users = { "name" = { "is_admin" = true "testattr" = "kiman" } } regular_users = {}
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