This article is about Implementing of CPU Quota Usage Alert for Azure Subscription. As part of my recent assignment, I successfully created a CPU quota usage alert for an Azure subscription using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. The deployment enables real-time monitoring of CPU quota usage, providing proactive alerts to prevent potential resource exhaustion.
Upon deployment, the alert rules are accessible within the Azure Subscription portal, under Usage + Quotas > Total Regional vCPUs > Location. This view lists all alert rules associated with specific quota names and locations. Please note that any modifications to quota names or locations for an alert rule may affect its visibility in this list.
By fulfilling these requirements and leveraging ARM templates, the CPU quota usage alert system provides enhanced visibility and control over resource utilization, enabling prompt action to prevent quota breaches.
While creating this setup there are few prerequisite which I mentioned below.
Before creating alert I have already have created common Resource Group and User Assigned Identity as a prerequisite. These resources will be used while creating Quota usage alerts and action groups resources. Below is the PowerShell script you can use to deploy with ARM templates.
Download this code here or it is also available on
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName '' ` -TemplateFile "$PSScriptRoot\CPU_Quota_Alert_combined_template.json" ` -TemplateParameterFile "$PSScriptRoot\CPU_Quota_Alert_template_parameters.json" ` -Verbose ######################################################################################################### <# #Another way 2: Deploy Using a Parameters File # Variables # $resourceGroupName = "" # $deploymentName = "QuotaAlertDeployment" # $templateFilePath = "D:\Projects\PowerShell\\subscription_quota_rule\action_group_template.json" # Path to your ARM template # # Define parameters inline # $parameters = @{ # "Action_Group_Name" = "QuotaAlertRules-AG-2" # "Action_Group_ShortName" = "QuotaAlert2" # "Email_Address" = "[email protected]" # } # # Deploy the template # New-AzResourceGroupDeployment ` # -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName ` # -TemplateFile $templateFilePath ` # -TemplateParameterObject $parameters ` # -DeploymentName $deploymentName
Below is the output after deploying Azure ARM template with parameters files from PowerShell Az module. All the resources are created successfully with this command on the Azure Cloud.
Here is ARM template in JSON format to deploy Action Group and Schedule Query rule for subscription. There are few items I marked in red inside the KUSTO query language, which you need to modify accordingly as per your infrastructure. If you want to totally automate values inside Kusto, you can make use of templating to create a template from required values.
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{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "Action_Group_Name": { "defaultValue": "Action_Group01", "type": "string" }, "Action_Group_ShortName": { "defaultValue": "actiongroup", "type": "string" }, "Email_Address": { "defaultValue": "[email protected]", "type": "string" }, "Quota_Alert_Name": { "defaultValue": "Quota_Alert01", "type": "string" }, "User_Managed_Identity": { "defaultValue": "/subscriptions/9exxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/", "type": "string" }, "Scopes": { "defaultValue": "/subscriptions/9exxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "string" }, "Dimensions_Type": { "defaultValue": "microsoft.compute/locations/usages", "type": "string" }, "Dimensions_Location": { "defaultValue": "eastus", "type": "string" }, "Dimensions_Quota_Name": { "defaultValue": "cores", "type": "string" } }, "variables": {}, "resources": [ { "type": "microsoft.insights/actionGroups", "apiVersion": "2023-09-01-preview", "name": "[parameters('Action_Group_Name')]", "location": "Global", "properties": { "groupShortName": "[parameters('Action_Group_ShortName')]", "enabled": true, "emailReceivers": [ { "name": "EmailAction", "emailAddress": "[parameters('Email_Address')]", "useCommonAlertSchema": true } ], "smsReceivers": [], "webhookReceivers": [], "eventHubReceivers": [], "itsmReceivers": [], "azureAppPushReceivers": [], "automationRunbookReceivers": [], "voiceReceivers": [], "logicAppReceivers": [], "azureFunctionReceivers": [], "armRoleReceivers": [ { "name": "EmailARMRole", "roleId": "8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635", "useCommonAlertSchema": true } ] } }, { "type": "microsoft.insights/scheduledqueryrules", "apiVersion": "2023-03-15-preview", "name": "[parameters('Quota_Alert_Name')]", "location": "[parameters('Dimensions_Location')]", "identity": { "type": "UserAssigned", "userAssignedIdentities": { "[parameters('User_Managed_Identity')]": {} } }, "properties": { "severity": 4, "enabled": true, "evaluationFrequency": "PT15M", "scopes": [ "[parameters('Scopes')]" ], "windowSize": "PT15M", "criteria": { "allOf": [ { "query": "arg(\"\").QuotaResources \n| where subscriptionId =~ '9exxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'\n| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/locations/usages'\n| where isnotempty(properties)\n| mv-expand propertyJson = properties.value limit 400\n| extend\n usage = propertyJson.currentValue,\n quota = propertyJson.['limit'],\n quotaName = tostring(propertyJson.['name'].value)\n| extend usagePercent = toint(usage)*100 / toint(quota)| project-away properties| where location in~ ('eastus')| where quotaName in~ ('cores')", "timeAggregation": "Maximum", "metricMeasureColumn": "usagePercent", "dimensions": [ { "name": "type", "operator": "Include", "values": [ "[parameters('Dimensions_Type')]" ] }, { "name": "location", "operator": "Include", "values": [ "[parameters('Dimensions_Location')]" ] }, { "name": "quotaName", "operator": "Include", "values": [ "[parameters('Dimensions_Quota_Name')]" ] } ], "operator": "GreaterThanOrEqual", "threshold": 80, "failingPeriods": { "numberOfEvaluationPeriods": 1, "minFailingPeriodsToAlert": 1 } } ] }, "actions": { "actionGroups": [ "[resourceId('microsoft.insights/actionGroups', parameters('Action_Group_Name'))]" ] } } } ] } |
This is ARM parameters file, If you don't want to use separate ARM parameters file. You can mention them in the PowerShell parameters Object as shown in the above PS option 2 example.
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{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "Action_Group_Name": { "value": "Action_Group01" }, "Action_Group_ShortName": { "value": "actiongroup" }, "Email_Address": { "value": "[email protected]" }, "Quota_Alert_Name": { "value": "Quota_Alert01" }, "User_Managed_Identity": { "value": "/subscriptions/9exxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/" }, "Scopes": { "value": "/subscriptions/9exxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "Dimensions_Type": { "value": "microsoft.compute/locations/usages" }, "Dimensions_Location": { "value": "eastus" }, "Dimensions_Quota_Name": { "value": "cores" } } } |
After deployment completed you can see two resources are create Action Group and Log search alert rule (Schedule query rule).
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