Recently in one of the Azure project my client was utilizing Azure Reservations Instances (Azure RI) they wanted a Microsoft PowerShell script from me to pull the list report. Below is the screenshot of all configured reservations on the Azure Portal.
To work on Azure Reservations with PowerShell, you require Az.Reservations module, if you don't installed on your system, you can download it with below command.
Install-Module -Name Az.Reservations -Scope CurrentUser
Every Reservation has Order ID, it is a GUID, these IDs can be retrieved using below command.
Get-AzReservationOrderId #list
Once you have Reservation Order ID, more details about it can be fetched using below one-liner cmdlet.
#$reservationOrderId = 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX' #GUID #Get-AzReservation -ReservationOrderId $reservationOrderId (Get-AzReservationOrderId).AppliedReservationOrderId | % {Get-AzReservation -ReservationOrderId ($_ -split '/')[-1]}
If you are looking for AzureCLI scripts use below commands to automate reports.
az reservations reservation-order list az reservations reservation list –reservation-order-id XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX
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