
Virtual Geek

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Vmware PowerCLI Import-Module message VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)

When you run the command to Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI on Powershell, You might have received the below warning message regarding VMware CEIP (Customer Experience Improvement Program). 

VMware's Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) collects technical information from participating customers to provide better support, both proactively and reactively.

WARNING: Please consider joining the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program, so you can help us make PowerCLI a better product. You can join using the following command:

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $true

VMware's Customer Experience Improvement Program ("CEIP") provides VMware with information that enables VMware to improve its products and services, to fix problems, and to advise you on how best to deploy and use our products.  As part of the CEIP, VMware collects technical information about your organization’s use of VMware products and services on a regular basis in association with your organization’s VMware license key(s).  This information does not personally identify any individual.

For more details: type "help about_ceip" to see the related help article.

To disable this warning and set your preference use the following command and restart PowerShell:
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $true or $false.

VMware vSPhere PowerCLI vcenter esxi powershell vmware customer experience improvement program ceip Set-PowerCLIConfiguration ParticipateInCEIP scope user.jpg

You can disappear this message next time when you load the PowerCLI module, by running the command as below either to Participate in CEIP true or false. I have chosen to False to not participate in CEIP.

PS D:\> Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $false          

Perform operation?
Performing operation 'Update VMware.PowerCLI configuration.'?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y

Scope    ProxyPolicy     DefaultVIServerMode InvalidCertificateAction  DisplayDeprecationWarnings WebOperationTimeout
-----    -----------     ------------------- ------------------------  -------------------------- -------------------
Session  UseSystemProxy  Multiple            Ignore                    True                       300
User                                         Ignore

VMware vsphere vcenter esxi Vmware.Powercli powershell module partificateinceip set-powerCLiconfiguration usersystem proxy policy invalid certicicateaction deprecation web operation timeout.jpg

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