
Virtual Geek

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Reboot remote Linux server from PHP PowerShell web server for privileged users

This HTML tool enables users to restart Linux servers remotely from their web browser, providing a convenient and efficient way to manage server operations. Built using HTML, PHP, and PowerShell, this project is designed to be hosted on a Windows XAMPP server only. 

For added security and authorization, privileges can be defined in the JSON file located in the 'dbase' folder. This allows administrators to control who can perform specific actions, such as:

  • Which users can reboot servers
  • Which servers each user can reboot
  • Customizable access controls for different user roles

By leveraging this tool, organizations can streamline their server management processes and reduce downtime.

For Linux credentials, in the PowerShell script (.ps1 file), you need to provide the Linux username and password on lines 55 and 56. 

For more details on configuration you can refer to my earlier article: Reboot remote Linux server from PHP PowerShell web server

Download this HTML PHP Linux Server Reboot tool with Authorization here or it is also available on

Reboot remote Linux server from PHP PowerShell web server for priviledged users.png

Important Configuration Files:
./dbase/userservermapping.json: Update this file to define authorization roles and mappings between users and servers.
Reboot-LinuxServer.ps1: Update lines 55 and 56 with the Linux username and password (note: same credentials for all Linux servers in this tool).

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