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VMware vCenter server backup error Path not exported by the remote filesystem

Check article for more details on: ​Backup VMware vCenter server using SMB protocol

While testing and working on creating backup schedule on VMware vCenter server appliance vami portal (Port 5480), I was receiving below error, whenever I was pressing Create button. Input which I typed Backup Location and Backup Server credentials were correct.

Path not exported by the remote filesystem

Vmware vsphere vCenter server vcsa vcenter server appliance create backup shedule server credentials encrypt path not exported by the remote filesystem smb.png

After trying different type of credential, I got to know Backup server credential User name is accepted in only email format for example: [email protected].

VMware vSphere vCenter server vcsa vcenter backup server credentials backaup location schedule encrypt optional password DB health check retains data stats error.png

After providing username in correct format backup schedule was added successfully.

vmware vsphere vcenter server appliance vcsa backup schedule networking monitor firewall time services update administration backup schedule retain backup data smb ftps https smb nfs.png

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