
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "2019"

Troubleshooting replacing a corrupted certificate on Esxi server

While deploying your own certificate on ESXi server you need to follow certain requirement to create it as shown here, if new generated certificate is not correct as per the standard and if they are replaced overwritten without proper backup, it can cause connection error on ESXi server and you wil…

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Replacing a default ESXi certificate with a CA-Signed certificate

Push SSL certificates to client computers using Group Policy

In my earlier article I shown how to Generate new self-signed certificates for ESXi using OpenSSL. Importing this certificate in local certificates store is good for single computer or 2-3 systems, but may be tedious task if you want to maintain it on more than 10 systems, think what happens if the…

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Generate new self-signed certificates for ESXi using OpenSSL

Powershell Active Directory 1: Check, enable and disable child OU protect object from accidental deletion

This script can be used to check the OU (Organization Unit) protect object from accidental deletion status. it provides other OU related information for reporting and inventory purpose. Inventory is generated using ActiveDirectory powershell module.

Active Directory Users and Computers, dsa.msc, Ou, Orgnization Unit, Project Object from accidental deletion, Ou object Managed By tab, Ou report, inventory, hierarchy report, Active directory module powershell.png

This report includes parent OU and all it…

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