
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "for_each"

Terraform using for loop in attribute value without for_each

In this Terraform example, I explored two approaches to working with map variables. Firstly, I used a for loop to iterate over the key-value pairs in the address_prefixes map, extracting the prefix values and enclosing the loop within square brackets [] to generate list from map.

Alternatively, …

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Terraform variable type list with for_each for loop examples

In this article I have explored all the examples on how to use list of strings with for_each for loop in Terraform resource and output block.

Microsoft Azure Terraform toset() for_each map list of string objects resource null_resource output variable block example.png

In this first block of example I have defined  variable named marvel, it's type is list and value has string names of superheroes inside [ ] squa…

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Hashicorp Terraform dynamic block for_each loop with example

I use Terraform IAC (Infrastructure as a code) a lot to design Azure resources, While deploying Azure Resource NSG (Network Security Group), I was defining multiple roles inside NSG, Roles were mentioned inside the code script file. I wanted roles values to be moved to variables inside v…

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