
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "html"

Reboot remote Linux server from PHP PowerShell web server for privileged users

This HTML tool enables users to restart Linux servers remotely from their web browser, providing a convenient and efficient way to manage server operations. Built using HTML, PHP, and PowerShell, this project is designed to be hosted on a Windows XAMPP server only. 

For added security and author…

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HTML JavaScript generate GUID

Here is a small HTML project I created to generate a new GUID each time the "Generate New GUID" button is clicked. Additionally, this project includes a feature that allows you to easily copy the generated GUID to your clipboard by clicking on a copy icon next to the GUID. The project uses basic HTM…

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Generate PowerShell Tree View HTML diagram of Active Directory group recursive memberships

Long back I wrote article on Powershell Active Directory: Show treeview of User or Group memberof hierarchy, where it was showing group Tree View on the PowerShell command console. In the hierarchy it was only showing Tree View of groups only. I improvised this script and included users as well. A…

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PowerShell HTML Server Racks Cabinet Live Diagram maker Demo

This is test code I built to create dynamic Server / Racks cabinet live diagram on HTML as frontend from provided input inside Excel CSV using PowerShell script. I am still working on the code, whatever code I have worked so far I am posting it online. Basically after generating Diagram on HTML webp…

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PowerShell HTML based Live Ping Monitor Demo

This is small demo where I combined PowerShell + HTML to create a dashboard report for ping. Basically what it does is?  when you put some servers entries in Pinglist.txt file which you want to ping and start a PowerShell Get_PingData.ps1 script. It shows the Live Dashboard on HTML web page as per…

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Send system disk space utilization HTML report Email using PowerShell

This script generates system disk drive usage HTML reports using PowerShell. This is very handy for sending weekly or daily reports of servers in html or host it on web server for monitoring. In my case VDI team contacted me for creating a system Disk HTML reports for VDI and sending them to concern…

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Executing PowerShell script from PHP HTML web server

Recently I was reading some Advanced Python coding books, I was especially fascinated by the Flask module. This project is an outcome of the same, If similar can be achieved with PowerShell and HTML, I wrote some code in HTML, PHP and PowerShell and it is working well after testing. Here in this pro…

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Create an interactive HTML report with PowerShell data

Basically I wrote this project as an fun/poc, but it went very well. I wanted to show the HTML + PowerShell capabilities to my (Asset collection team) colleagues as there are endless possibilities what you can build using HTML + Powershell. After launching the html file in the chromium browser the w…

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Powershell web scrapping extract table from html

This is small script I use to collect the table data from website to Powershell Object and then further it can be saved to csv file. For this example I am taking table example from I will try to convert table to Powershell Object. HTML tables has tags th (Table header) and …

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