
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "kubeadm"

Kubernetes kubeadm join could not find a jws signature in the cluster-info ConfigMap for token ID

While configuring Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm tool and joining Worker nodes into the cluster I receiving below error.

kubeadm join token discovery token ca cert hash preflight kubernetes cluster api server jws signature cluster-info configmap control-plane k8s master node worker node.jpg

Another error: Kubernetes kubeadm join couldn't validate the identity of the API server connection refused

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Configure Nginx Load Balancer for the …

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Kubernetes kubeadm join couldn't validate the identity of the API server connection refused

While configuring new worker node in Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm tool I was receiving below error. Basically I was trying to join worker node in the Kubernetes cluster control-plane using kubeadm join command, but it was failing because of multiple reasons.

Kuberenetes error kubeadm join error preflight error execution phase preflight couldn't validate the indentity of the api server connect connection refused init 6443 dial tcp.jpg

Complete articles series on i…

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Install and configure Kubernetes cluster worker nodes using kubeadm - Part 3

In this third part of configuration of Kubernetes cluster I have completed earlier part of a blog Install and configure Kubernetes cluster master nodes using kubeadm - Part 2. I have three Ubuntu server nodes installed in my lab for Worker nodes to add in Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm tool. Be…

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Install and configure Kubernetes cluster master nodes using kubeadm - Part 2

After preparing NGINX load balancer for Kubernetes API Server in Configure Nginx Load Balancer for the Kubernetes API Server - Part 1. It is time to use this LB in Kubernetes cluster. I will setup 3 master nodes in control-plane. Before deploying master nodes using kubeadm, I am preparing servers …

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How to install kubernetes master control-plane on ubuntu Part 1

If you’re using containers, there’s a great possibility you’ve heard of Kubernetes, or K8s (in short). In straightforward language, Kubernetes is an open-source system for orchestrating, automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes is a tool intended to ge…

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