
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "linux"

Reboot remote Linux server from PHP PowerShell web server for privileged users

This HTML tool enables users to restart Linux servers remotely from their web browser, providing a convenient and efficient way to manage server operations. Built using HTML, PHP, and PowerShell, this project is designed to be hosted on a Windows XAMPP server only. 

For added security and author…

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Install k3d Kubernetes on docker on ubuntu linux server

I was testing few features on Kubernetes for the same I was needed a new Kubernetes cluster to be setup in my lab environment for some POC purpose. Here I am installing a new Kubernetes cluster on ubuntu server. I am using k3d, also called Kubernetes on docker.

K3d is a easy and simple tool that…

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Executing a Linux programs from PHP web server

This is a small web automation project I created to execute remote Linux command through web server. The web language I used in this project is PHP (It is little similar to PowerShell so I was able to grasp it quickly and code the way I want). 

Using this tool users without having access to Linu…

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How to install kubernetes worker node on ubuntu Part 2

This is a second part of How to install kubernetes master control-plane on ubuntu. In the Part 1 I made my master node ready. If you are following the article, after executing kubeadm init command you will receive kubeadm join command which you need to use on K8S prepared worker node. Below is the…

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Ansible AWX installation error Cannot have both the docker-py and docker python modules

While installing Ansible AWX on Ubuntu I was receiving below error, while installing Ansible AWX it was giving below error.

TASK [local_docker : Remove AWX containers before migrating postgres so that the old postgres container does not get used] ***********************************
fatal: [lo…

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Install Ansible AWX Tower on Ubuntu Linux

Ansible is a software tool that offers simple but powerful automation for cross-platform operating systems and computer support. It is mainly planned for IT professionals, who use it for application deployment, updates on workstations and servers, cloud provisioning, configuration management, intra-…

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VS code remote ssh could not establish to host, connecting was canceled

This article is based on one of the issues I was facing while configuring VSCode Remote - SSH. 

Earlier Parts
How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows
configure remote ssh extension on visual studio code

Here I configured second linux host in ssh config file. This one is not passwor…

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configure remote ssh extension on visual studio code

In my earlier article I wrote How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows to ease my tasks, to connection between Windows to Linux and this is a second part of the article. I use visual studio code to write my all devops codes, most of the time whenever I want to test the script on linux, free t…

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How to Setup Passwordless SSH Login on Windows

Since I upgraded my laptop to Windows 10, I started using inbuilt tool SSH.exe to connect openssh servers (linux) instead of external tools like putty.exe. Here whenever I want to connect to linux through ssh, it prompts for password each time for new login. To make linux passwordless connection ov…

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Docker Error response from daemon i\o timeout internet proxy

In this article after installing docker (How to install Docker on Linux) and configuring its service (Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:var run docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running) next step is to download docker containers from docker hub (internet) for testing purpose.

My dock…

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Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:var run docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running

After writing article How to install Docker on Linux I tested it with command docker version, everything was good but no docker engine related information was there and on  the last line I saw error Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?,…

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Getting started with Powershell Desired State Configuration (DSC) on Linux

DSC is a (DevOps) management platform in PowerShell that enables you to manage your IT and development infrastructure with configuration as code. While writing Part 1: Configure PowerShell remoting between Windows and Linux my main motive was to configure push Desired State Configuration (DSC) on L…

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Configure PowerShell remoting between Windows and Linux

After opensource PowerShell core 6 for linux was available to download, I wrote an article on it - How to Install and Use Microsoft PowerShell on Linux. This is just an addition to same guide. Few of my linux servers were installed with PowerShell core and they were installed with few PS modul…

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How to Install and Use Microsoft PowerShell on Linux

As Microsoft has made Powershell open source and can be installed and used on different operating system family (Linux and MacOS), Basically Microsoft is working towards new Powershell Core make it available everywhere now and it is cross platform. As I don't have much knowledge on bash scripting, I…

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