
Virtual Geek

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Blog posts : "powershell"

PowerShell HTML Server Racks Cabinet Live Diagram maker Demo

This is test code I built to create dynamic Server / Racks cabinet live diagram on HTML as frontend from provided input inside Excel CSV using PowerShell script. I am still working on the code, whatever code I have worked so far I am posting it online. Basically after generating Diagram on HTML webp…

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Bulk change multiple file names with OneLiner PowerShell command

This is a one liner PowerShell script to change multiple files names in bulk. In this below given example I had multiple png images. I will take one file name Button_Icon_Black.png as an example. I wanted to just keep the name of the file with the Black.png (color name). Using below command you can…

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PowerShell HTML based Live Ping Monitor Demo

This is small demo where I combined PowerShell + HTML to create a dashboard report for ping. Basically what it does is?  when you put some servers entries in Pinglist.txt file which you want to ping and start a PowerShell Get_PingData.ps1 script. It shows the Live Dashboard on HTML web page as per…

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PowerShell WPF XAML multibinding datacontext template example - Part 4

PowerShell WPF XAML control to control data binding datacontext example - Part 2

This is a part 2 of PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1. Here I will configure control to control data binding context in WPF XAML. In this example I am using Slider and TextBox controls to show example. Here if I change Slider it should update its value on TextBox …

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PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides a simple and consistent way for applications to present and interact with data by binding elements to data from different kinds of data sources in the form of .NET objects and XML.

Here in this example I will show how to create simple WPF binding usi…

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Securely Encrypt and Decrypt password with PowerShell GUI tool

This GUI tool is written using PowerShell and it helps encrypt given password and then decrypts that text to Password back. My colleague schedules PowerShell scripts a lot. Generally as best practice they do not use clear text password in their scripts. Instead they wanted to keep it in the encrypte…

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Convert PowerShell ps1 to EXE using native windows tool iexpress

Some times it is essentials to convert your codes to EXE. In my scenario when I try to provide script to end users and if I expect them not to modify the script before running or executing it, I can convert any cmd bat or PS1 script to EXE easily using native windows tool called iExpress.exe, and ex…

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HOW to Add multiple email addresses to Distribution Groups in Exchange online Office 365

I was working with one of my client on a automation solution with PowerShell for Exchange Online. I wanted to write a PowerShell script to add secondary alias email addresses to Distribution Groups in Exchange online Office 365.

Base of the script is Set-DistributionGroup cmdlet which does all …

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PowerShell How to find file and folders in Azure Storage Account Blobs and Containers

This script helps to find files and folders on Azure Storage Accounts blobs and containers.

There are two PowerShell variables I have mentioned, First Variable is $searchFile use file extension or names you want to search. Report are generated in file path mentioned under variable $exportCsv.

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Powershell GUI System Hardware Information

After publishing a project Create an interactive HTML report with PowerShell data, few people gave me feedback, They implemented this and found it very useful that it shows the serial number of server/desktop hardware parts without opening the system and doesn't require downtime, All happens remotel…

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Running Your First PowerShell Scripts With Jenkins and Git

Jenkins is the the top and leading open source automation server, It offers hundreds of plugins to help building (develop), deploying and automating any project. It is a great orchestration tool for automation. In this article I will use it to schedule a simple Job for PowerShell script using Git. 

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Send Email using PowerShell with .net object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage

I have written this article to understand how email can be sent using System.Net.Mail.MailMessage .net object with PowerShell. Below is the complete documentation regarding this object Although you can use simp…

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Send system disk space utilization HTML report Email using PowerShell

This script generates system disk drive usage HTML reports using PowerShell. This is very handy for sending weekly or daily reports of servers in html or host it on web server for monitoring. In my case VDI team contacted me for creating a system Disk HTML reports for VDI and sending them to concern…

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Executing PowerShell script from PHP HTML web server

Recently I was reading some Advanced Python coding books, I was especially fascinated by the Flask module. This project is an outcome of the same, If similar can be achieved with PowerShell and HTML, I wrote some code in HTML, PHP and PowerShell and it is working well after testing. Here in this pro…

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Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure PowerShell

You can use this write up to find Azure Virtual Machine images available on the Azure Marketplace using PowerShell Module Az (Azure) commands. Before proceeding you need to know a few jargon vocabulary related to Azure cloud VM Images. You can use below properties to find VM templates on Azure cloud…

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Active Directory User Account Password Expiry Email Notification using PowerShell

While working and setting up a new project from scratch, the Helpdesk team wanted a solution to automatically send alert notification to Users about their Accounts password expiring. The notification email format looks like below once password is near defined days in the PowerShell Script. This Powe…

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Azure add create a Subnet to existing Virtual Network using PowerShell

This is second part of the earlier written article Create a Azure Virtual Network with Subnet using PowerShell. Here in this blog I will create subnet in already created Azure vNET (Virtual Network). I have defined Azure vNET and subnets in Powershell variables. I am creating a Azure vNET without a…

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Remove Azure Virtual Network Subnet using PowerShell

This PowerShell script will help you to remove subnet from Microsoft Azure Virtual Network (vNET). You can follow my earlier articles regarding the another topic related to Azure networking here on Azure add create a Subnet to existing Virtual Network using PowerShell and  Create a Azure Virtual…

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Powershell Add multiple bulk DNS records from csv file

This script is very handy when creating multiple bulk  DNS records in the Microsoft DNS server. It is very plain instructions how to use. At the core of this script Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA is the PowerShell cmdlet which is doing the task of creating DNS records.

To use this script create…

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