
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "subnet"

Terraform create Azure Virtual Network subnets from map of object and show name in the header

This is a second part and little update to Using element function with count meta argument example Terraform Azure subnets. After submitting PR (Pull Request), reviewer asked they want small change in the output how it shows on the console. As I am using count to loop through subnet address prefixe…

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Create a Azure Virtual Network with Subnet using PowerShell

Azure VNet (Virtual Network) is the essential element for your private network in the Azure Cloud. Virtual Network allows various kinds of Azure resources, such as Azure Virtual Machines (VM), to securely connect with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks. In this article I will be crea…

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Deploy create Virtual Network vNET in Azure cloud using Ansible

This is ansible code example for deploying creating vNET (Virtual Network) on Microsoft Azure cloud. This is working basic ansible yaml/yaml script.

Below example shows how it is deployed using ansible-playbook command from the linux using ansible-playbook command.

Download this script here …

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Terraform manage similar resources with for_each loop inside modules

After working on few of the Azure Terraform (Infrastructure as code) projects, I found I had to deploy same resource again and again, instead of defining same resource manually, I can use for_each loop to deploy resources smartly inside module block. In this example I am going to deploy Azure Virtu…

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