
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "virtual switch"

Create and configure VMWare vSphere VSAN cluster step by step

VMware vSAN is a Hyper-Converged storage (Software Defined Storage) solutions with a vSphere-native, high-performance architecture. With software defined storage, it has opened new opportunities to new skills. With vSAN we can use local disk and create highly available, scalable, high performance da…

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VMware Powercli : Gather distributed virtual switch information to JSON file to migrate standard switch

I have already written complete series on how to migrate distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch which helps to move Esxi host from one vCenter to another vCenter server. As you should not remove Esxi directly with distributed switch from vCenter until you move it to standard virtual s…

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Part 4: Remove ESXi Host from Distributed switch and migrate to virtual switch completely

This is last and final part of this article series from migrating distributed switch to standard switch. In this series I have already created and copied existing dvswitch and its portgroup to new standard switch, then migrated Management network and vMotion VMkernel virtual network adapter to stand…

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Migrating move back from Distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch - VMKernal Adapter - Part 2

In this article I will be migrating VMKernel virtual adpaters from distributed virtual switches to standard virtual switch, in earlier article I addressed Copy or clone distributed virtual switch portgroups to standard switch portgroups - Powercli, this helps automating, creating Portgroup. Here I…

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