
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "vnet"

Terraform create Azure Virtual Machines from map of objects

I had a task to create multiple Ubuntu Virtual Machines on Microsoft Azure using Terraform. Below is the code for the same. Requirement was VM information should be put into variable with type of map object (Multiple VMs will be created using it). Another requirement was there is already core infras…

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Terraform Azure Create Private Endpoint to existing Storage Account with Custom Private DNS zone record link

I had a task to create Private Endpoint in Microsoft Azure and was requirement to automate this job using HashiCorp Terraform automation tf configuration files. This Private endpoint will be linked to existing Storage Account and Virtual Network. Other required sub resources Virtual Network Links

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DevOps Part 1.2 SCM Git - Create Virtual Network (vNET) in Microsoft Azure

In my earlier part of this DevOps series DevOps Part 1.1 SCM Git - Create Resource Group in Microsoft Azure, I created first Azure resource - an empty Resource Group. In this example I am going to create vNET (Virtual Network) in this resource group.

An essential part of your private network inf…

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Azure add create a Subnet to existing Virtual Network using PowerShell

This is second part of the earlier written article Create a Azure Virtual Network with Subnet using PowerShell. Here in this blog I will create subnet in already created Azure vNET (Virtual Network). I have defined Azure vNET and subnets in Powershell variables. I am creating a Azure vNET without a…

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Remove Azure Virtual Network Subnet using PowerShell

This PowerShell script will help you to remove subnet from Microsoft Azure Virtual Network (vNET). You can follow my earlier articles regarding the another topic related to Azure networking here on Azure add create a Subnet to existing Virtual Network using PowerShell and  Create a Azure Virtual…

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Create a Azure Virtual Network with Subnet using PowerShell

Azure VNet (Virtual Network) is the essential element for your private network in the Azure Cloud. Virtual Network allows various kinds of Azure resources, such as Azure Virtual Machines (VM), to securely connect with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks. In this article I will be crea…

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Deploy create Virtual Network vNET in Azure cloud using Ansible

This is ansible code example for deploying creating vNET (Virtual Network) on Microsoft Azure cloud. This is working basic ansible yaml/yaml script.

Below example shows how it is deployed using ansible-playbook command from the linux using ansible-playbook command.

Download this script here …

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Terraform manage similar resources with for_each loop inside modules

After working on few of the Azure Terraform (Infrastructure as code) projects, I found I had to deploy same resource again and again, instead of defining same resource manually, I can use for_each loop to deploy resources smartly inside module block. In this example I am going to deploy Azure Virtu…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 7 - Configure security configuration | Route traffic to your secured hub | Test connectivity

Microsoft vWAN Azure firewall virtual wan virtual hub virtual network connections vnet subnet virtual machine vm vnet peering hub to hub connectivity powershell template creation routing connectivity check vm virtual machines.png

This is final and last article of vWAN configuration series. In this article I will be configuring Hub Security configuration - Routing on the the Virtual Hub and testing connectivity between Azure Virtual Machines between the different vNETs and across the region. 

Microsoft Azure Virtual…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 5 - Create Azure Virtual Machine (VM)

Microsoft vWAN Azure firewall virtual wan virtual hub virtual network connections vnet subnet virtual machine vm vnet peering hub to hub connectivity powershell virtual machine template creation.png

With these series I slowly coming to the complete configuration of vWAN architecture and here in this article I am creating and configuring Azure Virtual Machines (VM) as one of the configuration. There are 3 Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines I will creating using existing Virtual Network (vNET) …

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 4 - Add Virtual Network connection | Hub vNet Peering

Part 2 Create a Virtual WAN (VWAN) on Azure Portal

In this second article series of the Azure Virtual WAN (VWAN), I am deploying actual Virtual WAN. Azure Virtual WAN is a networking service that offers enhanced, optimized and automated branch-to-branch connectivity across Azure. Virtual WAN lets you link up, connect and configure office, branch dev…

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Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN Part 1 - Create Virtual Network and subnets

Recently I had assigned a project and had to do the POC of deployment and configuration of Azure VWAN (Virtual WAN) with Secured hubs providing network connection between Virtual Machine situated in different region locations. Azure Virtual WAN is a managed networking service which brings together …

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