
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "vsan"

Administrating licenses in vSphere client

Recently I deployed VMware vSphere 7, and after logging to vSphere Client the first message was popped up on the top middle screen is There are expired or expiring licenses in your inventory. [MANAGE YOUR LICENSES]. As I had licenses to for testing I decided to assign the same to vCenter and ESXi se…

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Create and configure VMWare vSphere VSAN cluster step by step

VMware vSAN is a Hyper-Converged storage (Software Defined Storage) solutions with a vSphere-native, high-performance architecture. With software defined storage, it has opened new opportunities to new skills. With vSAN we can use local disk and create highly available, scalable, high performance da…

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