
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "windows server 2016"

Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step

Part 1: Basic Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

I have wrote many powershell GUI scripts but never thought using any themes on WPF GUI forms, As it is not required for internal organ…

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Windows Admin Center (formerly Project Honolulu)

Windows Admin Center is an evolution of Windows Server in-box management tools; it’s a single pane of glass that consolidates all aspects of local and remote server management. Windows Admin Center proposals "elastic, locally-deployed, browser-based management platform and tools". The impression beh…

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Powershell WPF GUI: ToolBox control Textbox watermark placeholder demo

microsoft powershell, wpf, windows presentation frameworks winforms, textbox control toolbox, visual studio, watermark textbox powershell

In this demo I will be showing how to put PlaceHolder text on textbox control on Powershell WPF (Windows presentation framework) GUI. here I have 3 textboxes. When I launches GUI, all the textboxes shows some default darkgray color watermark text information. When I click on them text will autom…

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ESXi HP Blade start issue Enclosure power event detected, System Halted until power condition is corrected

Sometimes I receive below error on the HP Prolient Bladesystem ILO after server reboot, it refuses to complete post, shows message, 
Enclouse Power Even Detected
System Halted until Power Condition is Corrected

In most of the case to resolve it I reseat the blade in chassis enclosure (Remove …

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Microsoft Powershell: Export remote registry information to excel

How to force a PowerShell DSC client to refresh configuration from pull server

While testing DSC (Desired State Configuration) Pull method on client, I had to forcefully refresh configuration from pull many times, as I could not wait for 30 Mins of frequency time to apply the changes. Below cmdlet helps to refresh configuration immediately. This command need to run as an Admin…

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Part 3: Configure PowerShell DSC Local configuration manager LCM in pull mode and update configuration

This is last part of configuring individual clients local configuration manager (LCM) in DSC pull mode so they can get and retrieve configuration copy every certain refresh frequency mode. You can treat LCM as an agent and it is by default there in on every system. where at least Poweshell version 4…

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Reset HP ILO Administrator password from Microsoft Windows

In this second part of my article I will be showing how to reset ILO password on Windows server. For Esxi server check my earlier article Reset HP ILO password from Esxi server. First requirement to this is install HP Lights-out online Configuration utility, which can be downloaded from below links.…

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Reset HP ILO password from Esxi server

Recently I got some new VMware projects, there HP servers ILO Administrator password were poorly managed and documented. When I took handover I didn't know ILO Administrator passwords for most of the HP servers. I wanted to streamline the the same. As servers were at the remote location and few data…

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Get the List of installed softwares on remote computers with PowerShell

I used to use generally win32_product wmi class to fetch installed software list from remote computer systems. But the problem with it is, It only retrieves the installed applications via MSI, However, this WMI class might not list all the installed softwares that show in Add or Remove Programs, ap…

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Microsoft Powershell: Delete registry key or values on remote computer

Microsoft Powershell: remotely write, edit, modify new registry key and data value

Emulate HDD as SSD flash disk on Esxi and VMware workstation

I was required (emulated) virtual fake SSD in VMware workstation for few demos and testing purpose. I am already using SSD on my system, If vmdks are kept on the Solid state drives, VMs detects vmdk disks as SSD/Flash disk, but if you don't have SSD, it can be easily emulated with a trick configurat…

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Strong Random Password Generator :Microsoft Powershell

This is my first article in the starting of year 2018, I have taken and re-written it from my earlier post. This script is written completely from scratch. This generates very strong random password. It randomize a chooses each password character using .net class object System.Security.Cryptograph…

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Powershell execution policy setting is overridden by a policy defined at a more specific scope

While setting up execution policy (Set-ExecutionPolicy) on powershell, there might be a below error.

Set-ExecutionPolicy : Windows PowerShell updated your execution policy successfully, but the setting is overridden by a policy defined at a more specific scope.  Due to the override, your shell wi…

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Find next available free drive letter using PowerShell

Below is my one-liner small PowerShell code for finding next available free unassigned first drive letter, I use it frequently for automating mapping shared drives. This is based on Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem, it shows the all in use drive, Generally A, B (floppy drive not for use as disk or…

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Powershell: Get registry value data from remote computer

Finding and fetching registry value data information using PowerShell is very easy, I found in one of the organization administrators where doing unnecessary changes to the registry to specific settings, for one of the example ie: I had to get information from one of the setting under HKey_Local_M…

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New Microsoft Windows Nano server 2016 provides and offers many new benefits over traditional windows server operating system. It is very cost effective to run nano server Amount of resources required to run nano server is very low. also due to its striped down GUI architect (no GUI layer at all) an…

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There might be a chance while installation of Microsoft Windows Server setup, You might have overlooked the operating systems menus while setup installation and selected default Windows Server 2012 R2 standard (Server Core installation), first option from the list and click next or press enter. This…

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