
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "winform"

Powershell PoshGUI: Convert user to SID and vice versa

Here I have wrote this small utility for one of my application developer friend, He required a small GUI utility to convert and show user account to SID and SID to account, viceversa, Although I can write WPF xaml gui form as well, but Here I am using simple winform and this is designed using online…

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Powershell and WPF: Build GUI applications tutorial

Part 1: Create WPF XAML powershell GUI form with Visual studio
Part 2: Powershell and WPF: Build GUI applications tutorial

WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation, it is an alternative technology to Windows Forms but not a replacement. In this demo, I am showing how to design a basic Powe…

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Create WPF XAML powershell GUI form with Visual studio

Part 1: Create WPF XAML powershell GUI form with Visual studio
Part 2: Powershell and WPF: Build GUI applications tutorial

Last month in pune, India, I got an opportunity to present a small offline webinar for around 10 to 15 users, I was preparing for this session and couldn't write much on my …

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