
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "wpf"

PowerShell WPF Mouse cursor tracker

Currently I am working on a PowerShell GUI project where I need to track Mouse Cursor. In this article this is a sample code to track Mouse Cursor. As you move mouse on GUI console, it shows the position of mouse.

In this sample code it uses MouseMove event and Windows.Input.Mouse position…

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PowerShell WPF XAML multibinding datacontext template example - Part 4

PowerShell WPF XAML DataGrid control databinding datacontext example - Part 3

Earlier I wrote two articles regarding PowerShell WPF for DataBinding examples. In this article I will be using DataBinding to use with DataGrid control.

PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1
PowerShell WPF XAML control to control data binding datacontext example…

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PowerShell WPF XAML control to control data binding datacontext example - Part 2

This is a part 2 of PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1. Here I will configure control to control data binding context in WPF XAML. In this example I am using Slider and TextBox controls to show example. Here if I change Slider it should update its value on TextBox …

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PowerShell WPF XAML simple data binding datacontext example - Part 1

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides a simple and consistent way for applications to present and interact with data by binding elements to data from different kinds of data sources in the form of .NET objects and XML.

Here in this example I will show how to create simple WPF binding usi…

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PowerShell GUI get patch updates information with disk space and uptime

This script helps to get last installed patches, updates with dates, Server/System Last boot Uptime and C drive disk space information. This script was asked by one of the my SCCM team to troubleshoot in case if patches/updates installation are failing.

After executing script you can view the inf…

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Powershell GUI System Hardware Information

After publishing a project Create an interactive HTML report with PowerShell data, few people gave me feedback, They implemented this and found it very useful that it shows the serial number of server/desktop hardware parts without opening the system and doesn't require downtime, All happens remotel…

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Create a custom TCPIP stack on ESXi server - VMware PowerCLI GUI

While working with my VMware team we had to audit and create or delete TCP/IP network stack, Here on the ESXi server under Networking >> TCP/IP Configuration you cannot create new custom stack using vSphere client. I was able to automate almost all infrastructure using PowerCLI scripts, but few…

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Powershell GUI VMware ESXi custom patch bundle builder

Every time VMware releases ESXi patches, and I need to patch them on different projects with few modifications to patch bundle, by trimming down few driver VIBs packages or add third party driver vibs zip files packages. I do everything with PowerCLI commands. But as I wanted my colleage to perform …

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Powershell WPF MahApps.Metro update theme library

This script is just an update to new dll libraries of MahApps.Metro theme for Powershell WPF. I had already written basics of  Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step guide but, It is almost 2 years back and I was using MahApps.Metro 1.6 version and new version of MahApps.Metro v2…

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PowerShell WPF before and after image slider

While doing a PowerShell GUI project for a one of my client, they wanted to use one of the WPF control – GridSplitter, in such a way that it will switch or show different images while sliding GridSplitter. This cool effect can be easily achieved by using WPF bindings. I am using horizontal grid spli…

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PowerShell GUI: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory

This is a GUI part of my earlier written script PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory. I converted same script to GUI written in WPF language for simplifying task. It requires Source User and Destination users list is loaded from text file. (Text file c…

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Powshell GUI Date and Time converter tool

Recently I was working on a setting and automating a small project, this environment had very limited access to internet because of restrictions, Only required external partner websites were accessible. Users were using change management tool, they had to schedule times for change and company were s…

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Powershell GUI format text on TextBox and RichTextBox

I was preparing some auditing and reporting tools for some of newly received projects and wanted a way to formatting representation of data on my GUI form in nice way. To show this nice formatting you can use tags inside TextBlock and RichTextBox inside xaml code and binding can be used.These tags a…

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Powershell GUI encode decode images

Recently I was working on the one of my project, In the same I required to add few images to GUI, and needed to encode and decode images in the script so no external file is required to port incase if I want to share and there will be only sole ps1 script. Here in below video not a single external p…

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Powershell WPF Charts dashboard demo

I was preparing for some dashboards using Powershell WPF GUI and was looking for some charts and graph to show on my GUI, I tried utilizing data visualization charts but I was looking for more cooler ways to show them and was looking for interactive ones which can complement my dashboards. To achiev…

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Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

Part 1: Basic Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

As shown in my previous articles using sample xaml as style and themes, here I am using community popular MahApps.Metro wpf theme, Thi…

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Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step

Part 1: Basic Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

Theme 2

I found few nice themes online for my Powershell WPF gui scripts, I was looking for simple and nice themes to implement, al…

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Powershell WPF custom Image based ProgressBar

In this article I am showing some different ProgressBars for WPF GUI, This progressbar can show your chunk of silhouette image loading instead progress nicely. Below is the demo for my new progressbars, It can be used as an animated text or image. Images should be silhouette, A silhouette is the ima…

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Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step

Part 1: Basic Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

I have wrote many powershell GUI scripts but never thought using any themes on WPF GUI forms, As it is not required for internal organ…

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