
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts November 2017

How to Install and Use Microsoft PowerShell on Linux

As Microsoft has made Powershell open source and can be installed and used on different operating system family (Linux and MacOS), Basically Microsoft is working towards new Powershell Core make it available everywhere now and it is cross platform. As I don't have much knowledge on bash scripting, I…

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Join domain ESXi to an Active Directory OU : Powercli

I received request from my internal team to provide a small solution on Esxi Domain join and created when pulled it in domain computer account should be created in specific OU (Organization Unit). To perform this task first, we need complete OU path, to find it open Active Directory Users and Comp…

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Resolved: Esxi Join domain failed-Error in Active Directory Operations

This is some times common, you document something and if don't implement it or use something since long, you might forget knowledge or the issues you resolved earlier. I was automating join domain ESXi servers, while trying joining I was keep getting error: Errors in Active directory operations. I a…

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Part 4: Remove ESXi Host from Distributed switch and migrate to virtual switch completely

This is last and final part of this article series from migrating distributed switch to standard switch. In this series I have already created and copied existing dvswitch and its portgroup to new standard switch, then migrated Management network and vMotion VMkernel virtual network adapter to stand…

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Migrating move back from Distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch - VMs (Virtual Machine) - Part 3

In my earlier article after moving all VMkernel network adapters from dvswitch to sswitch, In this part I will be migrating Virtual Machine's network adapter from DvSwitch PortGroups to respective Standard vSwtich PortGroup. This is a one of the crucial stage and gather PortGroup Network information…

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Migrating move back from Distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch - VMKernal Adapter - Part 2

In this article I will be migrating VMKernel virtual adpaters from distributed virtual switches to standard virtual switch, in earlier article I addressed Copy or clone distributed virtual switch portgroups to standard switch portgroups - Powercli, this helps automating, creating Portgroup. Here I…

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Set Powershell execution policy with Group Policy

In this article I will be covering configuring Windows PowerShell execution policy using Group Policy, to configure environments properly ahead of time for better management, doing this takes less time to get your work done in timely fashion. For example, I gave few ps1 PowerShell script to some of …

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Copy or clone distributed virtual switch portgroups to standard switch portgroups - Powercli

Migrating ESXi server from one vCenter server to another vCenter server is very easy task if complete networking is on standard virtual switches. When migrating ESXi server with distributed virtual switches to another VC is also easy but requires extra steps. First it is recommended to move back fro…

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VMware hot-extend was invoked with size is not supported: Virtual Machine HDD VMDK

Last day I received some critical tasks on production to increase Virtual Machine Hard disk VMDK size, on around 200 vms. For 99.99% I have my own VMWare PowerCLI scripts repository to automate my tasks to complete it before time. While running script I was getting errors, To further troubleshoot I …

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vSphere PowerCLI - Configure syslog on VMware ESXi hosts and Enable security profile firewall

In my earlier article I wrote about Configure syslog on VMware ESXi hosts: VMware best practices using VMWare vSphere web client GUI. Configuring syslog server on multiple esxi host servers manually by clicks is very boring task, As automation is everywhere, use it to doing with better way in VMWar…

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