
Virtual Geek

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Get the list Azure Reservation Catalog with PowerShell and AzureCLI

I wanted to design Azure Reservations solution, before desinging the solution I wanted to fetch Reservations catalog list (SKUs) available in the specified subscription for a location, so I can create a presentation and pitch to client which available reserved virtual machine we can use. This below PowerShell command can help to gather the information. 

Note: To run this command you need to use az.reservations module on the Powershell. In the ReservedResourceType you can create CosmosDb, RedHat, RedHatOsa, SqlDataWarehouse, SqlDatabases, SuseLinux, VMwareCloudSimple, VirtualMachines as reserved resources.

Get-AzReservationCatalog -ReservedResourceType VirtualMachines -Location eastus

If you are want to use AzureCLI command to get the regions and skus that are available for Reserved Instance purchase for the specified Azure subscription, use below az command.

az reservations catalog show --reserved-resource-type virtualmachines --location eastus --subscription-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Microsoft Azure Reservation get-azreservationCatalog -reservedResourceType -location Microsoft PowerShell az.reservations az module azurecli az login catalog subscription id.png

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