
Virtual Geek

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VMware vCenter Server Management Exception in invoking authentication handler user password expired

While logging to vCenter VAMI portal (VMware vCenter Server Management Port 5480), I was receiving below error message with my root login.

Exception in invoking authentication handler User password expired.

This issue is due to the root password for VAMI portal is expired. Although you can still login through SSH. Check Enable or disable SSH on VMWare vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) and Enable Access to the VCSA Bash shell or Appliance Shell.

Vmware vSphere vCenter server management 5480 vami root login exception in invoking authentication handler User password expired change password policy.png

Login through SSH tool, Go to the shell and type passwd to reset root password. Type password twice to confirm.

Vmware vSphere vCenter server management 5480 vami root login exception in invoking authentication handler User password expired change password policy root password exapired shell command granted root passwd.png

Once password is reset try again on vCenter Server Management Interface (VAMI portal), go to the Administration, click EDIT button on Password Expiration settings, here you can either increase Password expires to No or increase Password validity (days) and save the settings.

vmware vcenter server management vami 5480 administration password expiration settings password expires password validity days 90 email warning vcenter server.png

Note, Password expires to No is not recommended.

vmware vsphere vcenter server management administration password expires no password requirement vami 5480 esxi vcenter.png

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