
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "ps1"

Powershell Create new file if not exist, if exist Rename file

This small PowerShell script helps to create a new file inside the folder if file does not exist, if file exists rename it with the date and times. This logic I always use in my scripts when I want to implement logs system for my script. When the file is renamed (While creating new file) it adds dat…

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PowerShell XML OperationStopped: No coercion operator is defined between types 'System.Object&' and 'System.Object'

While working with XML files using Powershell, I imported XML file and started exploring data inside XML. On the left hand side I have opened XML file in notepad. XML has nested objects. While accessing the nested data (Address) inside XML table I was receiving error OperationStopped: No coercion o…

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PowerShell Encode or Decode an WebURL

While working few web scrapping project, I was able to get the table data, but few of the data had few special characters in the table, which was in http encoded format. Related article is a Powershell web scrapping extract table from html. The encoded http data was not readable. This data can be …

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PowerShell convert string to base64 value

Base-64 encoding is a way of taking binary data and turning it into text so that it's more easily transmitted in things like e-mail and HTML form data. I had few requirement to convert / encode text string to Base64 string and vice versa, From encoded Base64 string to convert/decode to normal string…

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PowerCLI Get-VMhost The operation on computer failed The WinRM client cannot process the request

I frequently get error winrm client cannot process the request while running few VMware PowerCLI commands for example: Get-VM, Get-VMhost etc. The complete error is highlighted as below in the Red, This generally happens due to duplicate cmdlet name in the another module.

Microsoft Powershell Module PowerCLI vmware.Powercli vmware vsphere esxi connect-viserver import-module get-vmhost winrm hyper-v module vcenter server vcsa vsphere client visual studio code.png

Import-Module VMw…

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Powershell New-Object Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))

I was trying to use PowerShell object InternetExplorer.Application for automation purpose, While running my Powershell scripts on my VMs, I was receiving below error. To troubleshoot further I tested other Microsoft object for example: Excel.Application and Outlook.Application. Still I was recei…

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Step by Step guide to push your first project to

PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest The request was aborted Could not create SSL TLS secure channel

I was testing automating few banking websites to check uptime, Invoke-WebRequest is use to access webiste, using this command I wrote a script to access bank website with PowerShell commands, but while executing scripts it was failing to access web site and showing below error.


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How to sign PowerShell ps1 scripts

By reading the article subject first question rose to the mind why you should sign PowerShell scripts? The answer is whenever we download powershell script or we receive it from another users, The digital signature allows the user to confirm the validity of the certificate used to sign the script.…

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