
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "Microsoft Windows Server"

Modernizing Data Administration: BDRSuite v5.6.0 U1 Introductions with Exciting Enhancements!

This section discovers the exciting new updates, BDRSuite v5.6.0 Update and BDRSuite v5.6.0 Update 1, emphasizing the major enrichments and advances they bring to organizations and businesses. Whether you are qualified as an IT professional, a system administrator, or just there is an intent in info…

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Part 2: Configure IIS server to allow download .ISO files

This is a part 2 of my Part 1 article Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO. I will use this IIS server setup in the Hashcorp Packer.exe configuration to create VMware Microsoft Windows VM Template on vCenter server. 

Here I will configure IIS (Inter…

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Inject and install VMware Tools During Install by modifying Microsoft Windows ISO

I wrote this article as a first part of a Configuring and creating VMWare virtual machine template using HashiCorp Packer.exe. While automating and installing unattended Microsoft Windows VM template on VMWare vCenter Server using packer I was facing few challenges such as it was getting stuck and f…

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Create and capture Microsoft Windows server Sysprep template image

I had a project where I wanted to deliver few Microsoft Windows images to the customer. After several meeting they wanted this templates to sysprep 'ed. 

What is Sysprep?

Sysprep is a tool/utility provided by Microsoft (System Preparation) that makes a Windows client or Windows Server prepa…

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Install an SSL-TLS Certificate In Microsoft IIS web server

After Install and Configure IIS Web Server on Windows Server I wanted to add SSL/TLS certificate on web site on IIS web server, These are the step by step procedure to add certificate, Open Server Manager on windows server, from Tools click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Microsoft windows server IIS web server Internet information services manager tools server manager add ssl tls certificate edit binding


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