This is another way of deploying resources/services on Azure using azapi provider using HashiCorp Terraform.
AzAPI is a lightweight, flexible provider that leverages the Azure ARM REST APIs, empowering you to manage any Azure resource type with any desired API version. This enables access to the…
This article is a continuation of my previous post, where I deployed CPU quota usage alerts for a subscription using Azure ARM templates. In this post, I'll demonstrate how to deploy Action Groups and Subscription Quota Alerts for CPU usage using Bicep.
This article is about Implementing of CPU Quota Usage Alert for Azure Subscription. As part of my recent assignment, I successfully created a CPU quota usage alert for an Azure subscription using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. The deployment enables real-time monitoring of CPU quota usage, …
I was receiving Error: POST 401 Requires authentication [] while applying and deploying repository on with Terraform. This error occurs because terraform is not able to authenticate to API and not able to perform the action.
Streamline your infrastructure as code (IaC) workflows by integrating your GitHub repository with HashiCorp Terraform Cloud (HCP). This powerful combination enables automatic execution of Terraform plans and applies based on changes made to your infrastructure code, ensuring that every update to you…